10th December 2023 - Disco Transit Green Long Wheel base and Hi Roof Conversion

Published on 11 December 2023 at 11:11

Hi Folks..... Not feeling to good today, BUT ???


Let's just say took Transit out and covered nearly 150 miles, but had a violent headache after about 2 hours of driving!.

The only things I can think of are.

1, Leaking exhaust or manifold ?

2, all in my mind or because I have not driven that far since 2017 !

Apart from that transit ran well, as it should after all the money I had thrown at it and apart from the remote key fob stopping working (Battery?) when I stopped to Fill up with Fuel....

I will check that tomorrow, as I think I may have a spare battery.....

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Norton Commando
a year ago

I would think the transit would have failed the mot if you had any issues with the exhaust system. If you can not seal the exhaust pipe exit at the rear by hand when running at idle. I would think there is no issues with leak. But to be completely sure of no exhaust gaes are building up inside. A carbon monoxide detector will determine if there are fumes building up inside I would think.