Hi Folks...... Back in the workshop
As more progress on the workshop re-furb continues, to make it warmer and less drafty for me, so I can carry on working in there in winter, hopefully without it affecting my arthritis and other issues

Not really expecting much today, but lets see what happens.
A nice easy start today
Once again ive been raiding the plastic liner & polystyrene bins.
But does the job nicely

Still raiding the plastic liner & polystyrene bins
Its not pretty but its effective

and this one
raiding the plastic liner & polystyrene bins
Which helps me to save money and means less fireproof polystyrene wasted.

Even this little gap
gets filled from the plastic liner & polystyrene bins

and finally
Using the last of the small off-cuts of polystyrene

I cant do this section yet as needs batoning and The Big One is in the way
From the hardboard offcuts pile

with some of my very slap dash measuring & cutting
and its soon tacked into place
Ready for its first coat of paint

I need a botton along thisa edge, for the roof hardboard to be tacked to.
But I dont have any of that nice new batons left and currently no funds to buy anymore at least till Febuary.
So once again I am raiding the pre used bin - these came from one of the old doors, that we cut up.

I tack in place the roof liner
Takes a couple of tries before I get it Squarish
in goes roof board support beam, above this is a join and you can see where the boards dont line up flat

Using the electric wireing and bits of wood in the roof beams - i start to pull out the liner, hopefully to make things a bit easier
In goes the first roof insulation

The end beam is screwed into place,
In goes the second roof insulation

Soon followed by the third roof insulation
and the forth roof insulation

Its at this stage, I realise that the insulation is thicker than the insulation, time for a rethink
Gotta move this lot of wireing out of the way, I will have rtto search for some packing.
But cant be arsed tonight, I am tired , stiff joints are sore, and it feels like ive been using arm muscles that have remained dormant for years!

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