Hi Folks.
After the enforced break I had yesterday, today I am looking forward to getting back into the transit and getting more things done.
I am in the back of the van again,
My first job, is to finish the toilet plynth. Now that the batteries are all charged up....
Will not take that long as only got 4 holes to drill and add the screws :) :)
And down goes the framework.
And some of the old matting to help my knees as I get down and up again..
A few more times I remove the frame, just to sand here n there, mainly about the bulkhead, as the converter wires run thru just above the timer, and I do not want the wood to rub up against the rubber seal.
But none of the lines match up!
we took great care when we dry built the frame to make sure everything lined up, and it took me a few hours to work out what the
issue was!.
When we measured everything what we thought was a straight edge, in fact wasn't !!
and it took me ages to realise that the ends of the bulk head were the straightest edge of all!!
So I rejig everything, until I have a square frame to the Bulkhead, as this is were 3 of the batteries will sit, when they arrive..
I have allowed 1/2 all round to allow for padding and lining with insulation & fireproof membrain.
But then I hit on another issue!
The pilot drill bits are no where near long enough, so I sit and think about it and decided
to use an old fall back of mine!.
I used to use these extensively, as they make joints easy to but up to and add strength, but also because of poor planning or other events that cause an issue, that these brackets solve the issues so easily....
Luckily I have a load of these, in different sizes and formats just laying around, many left over from when Strawb's n me worked of strengthening the workshop framework and
added insulation...
Yep that is NOT what a set square is supposed to be fore,
But when you are on your own and you need to pull a bit of the framework outwards and it is just about the right length then...............
It takes me a while, but I am now finally ready to drill thru the floor & van floor and screw this frame in place.
The last next 2 brackets are slightly different, but do the same job, but just with the added extra, which makes fitting to the floor as well as the frame so much easier.
And keeps everything nice n square.
The battery area, I still have to build up the frame, but am waiting on the batteries, so that I can build the frame, so I can get to and if needed to remove the batteries easily.
When the weather dries up and I can get the transit warn and dry, the bulkhead, just needs to be sanded down and primered and finally painted (White)
Each Battery will have it's own compartment.
Before I go any further, it is time to make sure the framework and extra bracing is is all the right places.
I notice that I need some extra bracing at the behind the portaloo & along the side wall.
I will sort this out after I have had a nice hot cuppa.
Right I am back,
1stly I decide to tidy up above the cabin, as there is a leak along one of the seams and I need to clear out as much stuff as I can, so the work can be done quickly and with the agro of moving stuff around, to get access.
I have made a start, but will continue later on, so I am ready for when Lynne & Michael get home.
The last of the new 5 ply boarding, that we used to replace the damaged floor boards.
And I measure up the framework several times, until I get the same measurements 3 times in a row.
But something is niggling me about the measurements, my gut is saying the are wrong!
But how can they be!!
So I start to add the lines on the board and it soon becomes apparent why my gut is saying the measurements are wrong, even tho when I recheck they say they are right ??
But I give into my gut instinct and draw a 90% live and that is were I make my 1st cut.
Which is on the battery frame!
I still cannot use the saw, so am reduced to cutting disc on the grinder.
So I take my time and try to get as straight a line as possible.
and with gradually laying the board onto the framework, and taking small measurements and lifting and cutting small areas of the board away.
This board, starts to fit into it's new home.
I woke up and the grinder was still running and had cut my finger! :( :(
Dunno what happened ??
It is still sore this morning as the pic shows!!...
Now to cut out the board from the battery area.
Luckily I can just get the marker underneath to the framework and draw a line...
And I keep cutting away small bits at a time, and the floor is finally in place.
I test the portaloo and mark the outlines.
Then remove the board and cut the rear frame and screw it in place, leaving 4mm, so the 3mm wall will slide behind it.
And add the final brace as close to the wall as I can and screw into place.
I use an 5mm off cut to make a front for the plynth, to just finish it off, and everything is screwed into place.
It takes a fair it of sanding to get the front panel to sit level, but was worth all the agro and time it took,
even tho I do not think it will be seen, when we have finished!.
But I will know it is there....
The Portaloo's last test out, and there is plenty of room all around.
And it sits nicely in the lines I drew around it earlier.
After I find the Gorilla Glue, it is back down on the floor for me, as I work in some glue in the small gaps, just to seal the edge off.
This board will then be covered, Just not sure with what or colour yet, until I
get the rest of the bathroom built...
1. Still to design n build around portaloo for storage.
2. Decide where the sink will go.
3. Plumbing the sink in place and feed pipework thru frames.
4. add USB ports at the top so we can charge to bathroom lights in place, when there batteries go flat.
5. Design n build the front wall and door.
6. add window to the door.
7. measure and cut insulation for the walls
8. design b build the top cupbaords.
9. measure n cut the wall linings (with extra insulation)
10. Paint/decorate the hole room
Non of this can be done, until all the leaks have been repaired.
It is neatly 5pm and Lynne n Michael will be home in the next 40 mins, so as I cannot do anymore work, until the leaks are fixed and the other jobs being done over the next few days.
I decide to tidy up as much as I can and box n bag up tools and smaller items, so they can be removed.
Just as I finish using Gay Gordon, There's a knock on the door, it is Lynne & Michael, they remove the items I have sorted and bring back the windows n stuff that will be needed when the transit goes away tomorrow.!
We are soon all loaded up.
I cannot move as much stuff as I would like, as there is just no room anywhere, the house n sheds are overfull!!
So I just make it as tidy as possible, and hope it is not in the way!!.
I have been in the van all day again, and altho not much visible has been done.
As most of it has now been hidden, I am happy.
Lynne breaks up for Easter on 30th March, and the plan is for us both to go to Scotland together and if things work ok, I will stay and Lynne will come home on the train.
If things go wrong, then we will both be back, till the issues are sorted.
I am pretty confident (or will be after Saturday) to be able to buy the bits I still need!
I am just not sure if we can get the van ready on time, and even more importantly get the 4-6K money in the bank to allow me to stay in Scotland in time.
As I have had to delve into the Scotland Money pot to pay for work to be done by Saturday and the final solar panels & batteries, wire, connectors and anything else we need.
Tomorrow around midday I will be taking the van to my friends workshop and it will not be back till Saturday.
So the plan pencilled in is to spend some time in the workshop hopefully on CBRTIM for a few days.
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