10th March 2023 - Disco Transit Green Long Wheel base and Hi Roof Conversion

Published on 11 March 2023 at 13:34

Hi Folks... - Transit came home a lot earlier than expected ??


There was 4 different errors, this time, but for now, they have just cleared them and I am to drive it around over the weekend and try n get it to play up.

I have taken it for a 20 mile run earlier today, but it did not miss a beat (Typical).

So after Lunch, i managed to get into the back

No room to move without doing myself an injury, so I gotta do something about this new timber....

They were just too long for me to get more than 2 up in the roof!

So the rest are perched on top of the 3mm & 9mm boards.

That is looking a lot better, I I stopped of at HomeBase to buy this large can of paint.

Which if plans go well, we will start using this weekend, as there is a lot to do.

But first, I will try n finish this end of the bed framework.

The space above the wheel arch will be for tools, or something.

I have started to screw it all together, and is already pretty solid.... 

Still need to cut n screw into place the bottom batons.
Hopefully Tomorrow.

Lynne's popped her head in, and we discuss how we both got on today, Just as I was screwing up the last 2 screws, the battery on the screw driver went flat, so it is a good time to call it a day.

After screwing the last of the frame work together, we have some 9mm ply to protect the insulation for the wheel arch, the rest will be left as is.

Then after a clean up of this area it will be ready to start painting, as we go for breaks.

Not as long as I had hoped or as much done as I wanted,
But as I was not expecting to have the transit back, anything done can be classed as a bonus!.

Now I just hope we have a good weekend on the conversion, altho Sunday is my birthday and I do not know if anything is planned..

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