10th October 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.

Morning Everyone.

Had a shock this morning !

I thought it was 2nd October so discover to my horror when I got on here and found its the 10th October !!!

I do not know whats happened or if there is any point of worrying about it!.

But last nite things started buzzing around in my head ! Weird feeling after total blankness over the last month or so....

But I was hit with a great sadness as I realised we are dismantling my life and getting rid of everything we have fort so hard for !

And its not a very nice feeling, as altho we are just starting already I can sense a huge hole appearing ?

It feels and looks like I am gonna be trapped at hone, without much chance of seeing my friends or meeting new ones.

And whats made things worse Lynne is just agreeing with the choices I am being forced to make ! (Has she given up ?? )