11th December 2023 - Life n Grimes of Mr C

Published on 12 December 2023 at 08:44

Hi me..................


After yesterdays drive, my head is a sore as can be.

Is it just because I drove, or do I have a small exhaust leak at the front somewhere ???

either way, nothing gonna happen today except rest in bed and hope it goes away!.

Ross n Sallies words started to drift around my head most of the day.

It is too early to see if things are gonna change or any difference, but there seems to be a certain very small chink in my mindset.

Will this carry on ?  I just do not know and I think it is way to early to try n build any hopes of a change in me.

Only time will tell.

I am hoping to be well enough to do some work on the transit tomorrow, Let us just hope so as If I can get started again and get stuck in, that will hopefully give me the desire to get the conversion completed and on the road to Scotland.

There was some post arrived today, not sure what it was, as I just left it and went back to bed!.

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