11th February 2023 - Disco Transit Green Long Wheel base and Hi Roof Conversion

Published on 12 February 2023 at 06:57

Hi Folks.  - Another Saturday arrives, and that means Lynne n Me get to work together :) :) 

We were starting very late today, as I over slept.
which annoyed me as there is so much to do and only a little time before Lynne has to go back to work.

On the flip side, Them meds I have re-started to take are knocking me for 6 !. so I should have expected the extra sleep as my body adjusts, if it helps me to become somewhat more stable and helps me live with the medical issues, then it is worth it.


Weekends are now, normally doing those jobs, that I cannot do alone.
Altho it is frustrating at times having to rely on Lynne, It is also a real bonus, because we are together and are happy to work side by side.

So not expecting too much today as the jobs, we will be tackling mainly are fiddly jobs, that require cutting to shape and then trimming each piece to finally fit.
Hopefully we will notice a big difference, by the end of today.

Updated - Jobs pencilled in till Sunday

Boy has this list grown !!

Green - Completed job

purple - job in progress

Yellow - Jod Description
Blue - new jobs added


1. Finish the frame work around the portaloo. - Finished!!
2. Add cross batons to bathroom/kitchen wall. - Started 
3. add sound proofing/insulation to bathroom/kitchen wall. - need to find were sink pipes go and add the final cross members
4. find position for sink in bathroom. - DONE
5. add extra supports to mount the sink. - hopefully be completed Monday
6. Panel the bulkhead battery frame work.
7. Area next to passenger door, needs washing and going over with wire wool.
8. Finish adding sound proof pads - Still ongoing, need to move stuff around to get to the rest
9. Insulate Bathroom - roof done with 1st layer, side wall nearly done - parts arrived 
10. Clean old original panels - Lynne has just about washed every panel she can get too so far
11. Glue extra Insulation in the inside of the kitchen panel. - Done panel behind Kitchen

12. Paint the Kitchen panel - Done 
13. put them back were they belong. - behind Kitchen - done

14. make base for bathroom sink 9mm ply - 

15. Mark out and cut inside bathroom wall 3mm ply - 

16. measure and cut 1st roof panel 3mm ply - started today 11th Feb
17. in 1st roof panel, cut holes for ceiling lights. - 
18. run trunking to drivers side wall for light wires. -
19. Finally screw roof panel into place.
20. mount bathroom sink extra mounts - 

21. install sink tap & waist pipe - 
22. add cross members to the bathroom wall were water pipe mounts will go - 
23. re-assemble the framework onto raised toilet area - 
24. measure and cut 3mm panel for behind the toilet - 

25. insulate the panel and fix into place - 

26. - put bathroom door frame back. - 
27. remove grill from kitchen unit and repair and put back - 
28. water pumps screw to back of kitchen unit - 
29. remove sink and drainage board - 
30 buy some sealant gaskets for kitchen unit and install - 
31. refit cooker & sink & drainage board -  
32. move kitchen to its final location - 
33. bolt the kitchen in place.
34. Glue extra Insulation in the inside of the drivers side rear wheel arch panel. - 

12. Paint the Drivers side rear wheel panel -  


35. Kev's workshop - Make some brackets and install roof rack on roof of transit. (Funds ring fenced) - Booked in on Tuesday 14th Feb.

36. Kev's workshop - If time and funds allow, get water tanks installed underneath and plumbed into the back. (have some funds available but I know it will not be enough!) - Booked in on Tuesday 14th Feb.


Double Bonus job, to have worked out and cut the bed frame & have it mounted!

1st job on a Saturday Morning is a good tidy up!
and this area looks far better for it 

and this area looks better as well.

No point in getting Gay Gordon out, as gonna be doing a fair bit of cutting if everything goes to plan.

That's better, and I have nearly filled a bin liner with the protective backing to the insulation sheets...

Lynne ha snot joined me yet, so I get on with insulating the parts of the roof, I can reach..

Altho my lower back is hurting real bad, with taking my time, I am insulating at a steady pace

Just gotta rest for a few mins, to ease my back and then I will get the roller on these pieces of insulation, to make sure they stay stuck.

I am going thru the package of insulation very fast and I am not sure If I have enough to finish the job.

But all I can do is carry on and see just how far I can get.

Lynne has just arrived, so I stop insulating the van, and we move onto those jobs I need help for.

Time to see if the kitchen unit will fit ??

Nope and all my fault!
When i took the mudguard measurements, I did not allow for the insulation ??

As we have other plans for today, it will get looked at during the week, or when I am on my own.

Time to clear out the stuff that is in front of the boards, not sure what Lynne is doing!

( answers on a postcard please? )

The 3mm ply board is hiding behind these 2 x 9mm ply sheets.

Do not look here, it is a real mess !!
But we soon have the 3mm board out of the side door, and back in again in front of the 9mm sheets. 

After we had measured the roof area where this panel will live.
We marked out the areas, we needed to trim.

Lynne is sanding the edge's of the 3mm board.

Bit more trimming, as we get closer to where the panel will sit, and it shows us, what areas are stopping it fitting like they should.

Some bits cut our are small, but they make a big difference to how the board sits on the roof frames.

I have just had another accident, so we decide we may as well take a drink break as well..

the bathroom roof panel, just needs tweaking to fit properly.

and continues to the side door

we have made a cardboard template of the roof frame with some already holes drilled.
They will need enlarging to 7.5mm as will be using the ford plastic clips.

But will the holes line up ??

The amount of time spent on measuring and treble checking we hope they do....

right we are now ready to test fit the roof panel and see if the holes line up ??

That's it folks it's gone 6pm and we always have a take out on Saturdays, so as it always takes 40-45 mins to arrive, we can go n freshen up.

Altho today got of to a very late start, we have achieved more than I thought we would.
In fact the more we are spending time together working on the conversion, the more we have re found our steady pace, that allows us to get things done at a good pace. 

we will be back in the transit tomorrow morning, altho I will start of on my own, as Lynne & Michael go shopping.
But I have plenty to be getting on with.... 

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