11th October 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.
Good Morning All.
Another sort of the disassembly of my public life !
The Disco.
Was started back in the 90's, when I had to stop riding and drinking alcohol.
I still wanted to go to rallies, but no bike no rallies is the rule that I have followed throughout my time of rallying..
Also I did not like being with my friends in the evenings whilst they were getting drunk ! so starting the disco covered all the issues I had with going to rallies..
So we needed another way to still allow me to do some rallies and keep up with my friends and make new ones.
Now lucky for me I was already DJing for Eagles Mcc.
But it was all voluntary and I was hoping that they would allow me follow me in my journey!
But that was soon shot down as the club decided that they did not want to back & follow me !
So I now had to find some money to get my 1st rig !
Now everything I have has to pay for itself or be covered by other things I get up to !
So we managed to scrape up a couple of hundred quid and we went hunting on Evil Bay.
Before the week was out we had our 1st rig. It was basic and not to good but it allowed us to get started.
Over the years we have piled most of the profits back into the disco/lighting rigs, improving at each step, till we finally ended up with what we currently have.
There are 3 reasons why we are stopping djing in 2022.
1. My Health is the main reason, This choice was only made after we spoke with Ginger Steve (Our Main Roadie).
2. Only 1 booking for 2021 and that's on new years eve at Old Nicks Tavern Horncastle,
So no money made again for 2021, in fact have had to borrow money and sell of items we no longer use (But I kept as backups) just make sure the van is legal and to pay other Disco related costs.
3. Some bookings for 2022 are being done at a loss as like everyone we didn't expect the costs of fuel/oil ETC to go up as much as they have !
And I had already given confirmed prices and I will not renege on the price given.
And again there are not enough booing to get into profit for 2022 !.
So as the disco is ending, it also means we cannot afford to keep the transit ! so that has to be SOLD (Already Sold to Ginger Steve when bookings finish in 2022) of as well, leaving us without 4 wheeled transport....
I will be continuing to list disco related items on Ebay thru out this year for the items we no longer use and the main parts once 2022 bookings have started..
Vincent, we do not know if we can afford to keep him yet. It would be gut wrenching if we were forced to sell him.....
So we are not sure about rallying in the future as we cannot afford to go as a rallyist and also I can no longer get down and sleep in a tent. Due to health and needing electric hookup for sleep achnea machine.
Which meas we will loose contact with most of our friends and I will be more of a recluse. But we will not know 100% until 2023.