Hi Folks...... small update today.
As not feeling good at all, so went to bed for most of the day.
But I did eventually get into the transit, for a few hours.
I cannot remember if the led info should be still be showing with ignition of and the key removed ?
Any one ??
Please leave your comments at bottom of this page using the blog.
Ignition is on and OCD is plugged in, but cannot get the dammed bluetooth to work on the laptop!
So altho I do not have licence for the one I used the other week on my kindle thought I would give it a try ?
Yep you guessed it Kindle pics up the OCD unit but Forscan refuses to ???
Totally confused.
So I will start a return on the OCD unit and buy a USB cabled one instead.
This meant that the dozen or so checks I had planned for today, just did not happen.
Altho the battery shows fully charged,
On cranking the engine over it very quickly dropped to 12.5 volts.
Lynne is home and we catch up in the cab and she helped me try and solve the laptop issue, whilst I carried on trying to get the forscan on the kindle to work again.
So I have ordered a new battery which should be here tomorrow hopefully.
At £50.00 (using the special offer) it seemed silly not to replace my battery...
It will eliminate a possible issue, if nothing else.
Then I will store the old battery to see if it holds its charge, if it does will put it with the new battery under drivers seat.
So after tea we went back out to the transit, and how much cooler it was to work in....
I thought we would put the bathroom stud wall back in place, but since we have done the ceiling it is too long, and there is no way of getting it out, as loads of 6mtr 3x2 and other long bits of timber are in the way.
So it is back to working out and measuring and cutting this 2x1 for the framework that will go around the fridge freezer.
Unfortunately the timber got stuck outside in the rain for a while, so it will need sanding before we paint it.
As I cannot get the 2x1 out, I decide to measure n cut it whilst it is still hung up.
That is the first baton laid in place.
Final adjustments will be made for a snug fit around the fridge/freezer, but with enough clearance so that the fridge/freezer pulls out and goes back in easily.
Time to cut the next baton,
and again we lay it in place.
we decide to make some changes.
This baton that goes in front of the fridge/freezer and will stop it sliding forward whilst travelling, but will still allow the unit to come out easily so we can get to the contents when we need to...
We decide to get it as level as the side door rubber as possible, just because that is what we want.............................
That is far better.
It still needs so sanding just to finish it off, but we are well happy.
Then we look at the time and it is nearly 9pm, time to call it a night.
We will measure the height of the dining room table, so I can measure n cut the uprights tomorrow.
Not as good a day as I had hoped, a lot of time waited trying to get forscan to work, and my pace of work is very slow and deliberate, but hopefully I will be able to speed up some as I continue to get on with the conversion...
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