13th July 2023 - Disco Transit Green Long Wheel base and Hi Roof Conversion

Published on 13 July 2023 at 21:34

Hi folks..... Back in the transit once again.


I am hoping for a more productive day today, hopefully with a lot more done on the conversion.

But I have learned the hard way that I can be ok one minute and the next, well lets just say I find doing anything impossible.

But thru all the knock backs over the last few months and despite the engine still not running, the dream of getting away from this house and into Scotland is still there, even if at times it is just a glimmer of hope. 


Right that's the  3 front of the cabinet/table that will cover the fridge/freezer.

so all done now, with the top n bottom rails.

So it is ready to screw together.

And Lynne has just arrived..............

Delivery driver sensibly comes to the transit and delivers the new battery.

well happy as was not expecting it till Saturday....

So now waiting to be installed.

A change of plan, 

We were gonna double up the 2x1 batons, but as the 3x2 look better and will save on screws for the front one and the 2 where we are planning drawers of some sort, will use the 3x2....


After checking our measurements, we screw the upright in place.

I have just had a bad accident, so we decide to go in doors, so I can change and Lynne n Michael can have tea, and me a cold squash.

Back again wearing clean clothes and refreshed.

I have measured this top baton and marked it were the 2nd upright will go. 

There is just no room to work, let alone move in the back at the moment, so Have to take some items outside to do what needs to be done, before taking them back in the transit.

Altho it is slowing me down loads, there is no other option for it, until we use up the timber and fittings that are in our way.

I have turned the frame upside down, so I can screw from the bottom and have strengthened this corner even more...

The other end upright is screwed into place.

when the cabinet is completed, we will disassemble it for sanding and paint, before gluing and screwing it all back together.

and a quick test fit, to make sure it fits as it should.

And I mark out were the last upright will go.

It all fits like it should, I now just have to pull it all into shape as it is not square at this point.

The 2 closer uprights are were we will either make up some drawers or more cupboards, in the vacant space.

We are also hoping to have enough room to add a long draw above the fridge/freezer, which will hold plates, and other stuff. protected by foam padding. 

It is now gone 8.30pm and we stop progress on the unit as we do not want to disturb the neighbours with young children.

So we measure the panel behind were the fridge/freezer will live, and mark it out ready to be cut tomorrow when Lynne comes home from work.

We have discussed also the next 2 roof panels and the projector screen, so fingers crossed they will be completed over the weekend.

Considering how much time I lost spent trying to get Blue Tooth to work on the laptop and with my brain all over the place and really struggling concentrating on anything for more than a few minutes.
I am amazed at just how much I did get done today.

Ok the back is still a mess and space is very tight, and it does not look like we have used much materials up, but I am hoping by Sunday evening, we will finally notice the materials used and hopefully have more space to work. 

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