Wombat Arrives and we push Kurgan back down the shed.
Now Wombat n Me go way way back and we have spent so many hours working side by side on our bikes, that we rarely have to discuss, what we are gonna do or how we are going to do it.
We are just like a well oil engine, we work smoothly together..
First job is to find some longer fuel pipe and connect the fuel tank to the carb.
Next we test fire the engine - which soon fires up with loads of black smoke and working on the choke only, but its a good start.
We next test the clutch Still not working, I was hoping it would free itself but no such luck.
So we lean the bike over into its side and start to remove the rear brake lever and Clutch cover bolts
Off comes the clutch cover
And remove all the clutch plates
All are Stuck together.
Wombat uses me Verniers on the new clutch plates, I found whilst tidying the computer room a few weeks ago.
The old ones were consigned to the bin, some were good some were not, so obviously been an issue before.
The friction plates were in very good order,
so after a bit of a wipe down were put back in with the new clutch plates.
Back on goes the clutch cover
And the rear brake lever
Next job is to set up the handle bar clutch cable and then the foot hydrolic clutch.
And we then fire up Kurgan again and get it running of the throttle
(Click here to see my video below for a clip -
uploaded today and he is slowly getting less n less smoky
altho the black cloud you get when you close the throttle is impressive !).
In Hind site maybe I shouldn't have gone down the shed today, I was having to think every move thru carefully before I dine anything and was very tired. But hey you only live once.)
We were hoping to have Kurgan completed today and maybe even taken for a test run, but it wasn't to be.
Tomorrow I go to the hospital to get prodded pricked and god knows what else,
so I will probably be very sore and in a fowl mood,
so I may get down the shed again then or I may just take it out on my guitar.
Wombat can come over again next Monday so if i dont get Kurgan finished, we will then.
Many thanks to Wombat today who probably did some 90% of the work as I just could not seem to stay focused.
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