13th October 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.

Yesterday spent in bed, sleeping most of the day away.

I just cannot face these days, maybe one day but not yet!

But it bring on to me today about a young Coloured friend from my child Hood.

Big Dave!

was only around 5 years old, when I saw Dave for the 1st time in skool play ground being picked on, because of his size and the fact that Dave was a gentle Giant.

Now Dave was twice the height of myself, but I soon sorted the bullies out and ended up in head masters office for the privileged.

But from that day Dave n me were true friends till the day I was forced to leave home at 11 years of age.

I did meet Dave's mum loads of times, But it was made known that I was not really welcome at the house or to be Davids friend.

So we kept it sorta private from his mum.

We used to get up to the normal naughty things 5 and 6 year old's got up to back in the early 70's.

One day we were throwing bricks at a lorry window screen and one of the bricks Dave threw rebounded into my face and broke all my front teeth.

But we didn't think much of it and we walked back to my house and I told my mum that I fell down and hit a rock!

2 bloody years every 2 weeks I was at the dentist and from that time came my hatred of dentists!.

We often hid out in empty boxes that we had made into a den at the back of Myers factory! eating and drinking our spoils I had borrowed permanently from various shops.

I Lost track of David for a long time when I left my parents when I was 11 until we met up again by chance in Huntington some 20 years later !

Our friendship took off as if we had only last met a few days ago. But then David told me he was moving to London so we kept in touch rarely by letter.

But in the end we lost touch.

One gay when I was a fiend engineer I was working in Huntington and had met up with an old friend. and I asked about Dave but he said I need to talk to Dave's mum. and he have me here address.

This visit I dreaded as above As I have mentioned I was not here fav person, but as I was on lunch break I stopped and called in.

She did not recognise me, so I introduced myself and she asked what I wanted and I said I had lost Davids address and would like to get back in touch.

She invited me in and after a cuppa, she told me that David had passed away, some 2 years ago with heart complications.

This knocked me for six!

and after a while I said I had to get back to work. We hugged at the door and I said I will miss David for the rest of my life he was a true friend...

She smiled and apologised for her not liking me back when we were kids. I said that's ok and that now I am a lot older I understand her reasons.........

Goodbye my friend, I hope we meet again in the here after.........