14-15th October 2023 - Life n Grimes of Mr C

Published on 16 October 2023 at 08:13

Hi Me.......... Finally I am up ! (Multiple Daily Updates ! ) 


As most of you have seen, by the lack of updates, I have been stuck in bed once again with my health issues.

But Hopefully now, I am hoping to slowly reverse that trend.
This is a multi day update !!.

Saturday 14th October - The Transit is back home.................................................

More about that in "Transit Conversion Album soon"

But after test drive, I was shattered, so went back to bed for the rest of the day, but for once in a happier state of mind that I have in a long time.

Sunday 15th October - Not feeling good, stayed in bed all day!


I know Zoe was collecting Emma and Timmy up and Lynne said she would bring them over to se me for a little while. But that did not happen.

Congratulations Emma, we are expecting our 2nd grand child next year :) :)  

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