14th January 2023 - Life n Grimes of Mr & Mrs C

Published on 15 January 2023 at 10:29

Hi Mee..................................

Slept all the morning away, and am very down today.. and did not want to get up!
But I really had no choice as Last Mondays all day's struggle to process all the items sold.

So up I get and head into the computer room,  Where several items had been SOLD and some even paid for....

So I sit down and start processing them, and more n more items get sold & paid for, I am just about keeping up with them.

On the negative side, this does mean, I will not be down the workshop today, I can only hope I get down there tomorrow, as a day doing something totally different would be welcome just now.

Good n bad news on the transit conversion front (see 14th Jan UPDATE).
Has made a huge impact on my and my feelings!.

Once I have caught up with sales, I will be hunting for even more items to sell, whilst I am happy for the less valuable items to sell at 49-99p, I now need loads of more expensive items to list and sell, to help recover from the hit the bank balance will take on collection of the Transit. ( when the bank account will be down to £15.00 it's lowest point since September 2022!)

And with some expensive items I need to buy in the next 2-3 weeks costing over £1000.00 All I can do is list as much as I can and hope it is what people want.

Today's Progress...

1. Processing items SOLD & Paid for today.



14th - 20th January 2023 - Items Listed - TODAY - All Start 21st January.

January 2023 - Items Sold To Fund Trip To Scotland 2023

Today seems to have flown by!
And I do not know why, sales were very slow today, but most have paid withing a hour of there listings ending.
So keeping up was easy, but it has taken me all afternoon to do them! which would be fair enough if there were loads but there was only 9 items to process :( :( 

So I did not get down the workshop :( :( and am mega pissed off about that, on the plus side only 4 items have bids on for Sunday, so I should be able to spend some time down there tomorrow.

Next weeks pencilled in jobs, have all changed with the Transit Issues taking longer than we anticipated, so no excuse to get another batch of items found, sorted and listed for next Saturday.

If I get chance some will be listed on a 5 day listing on Tuesday, but any other day, they will auto start on Saturday...

I feel as if I should have achieved so much more today! and that has only made the black dogs grip on me that much tighter....................... 

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