Hi Me................................... Not been to good again for last few days!
A very quiet birthday, as spent most of the day in bed in agony once again, and my eyesight is still playing up.
But at least I can make that work better with laying down n resting, unlike the stomach pains.
The black dog has got a real hold of me once again, I cannot remember the last time it was this bad, but on top of everything else, I just do not want to get up, let alone do anything.
The last few days have been the same, except when my eyes were ok, and I slowly in stages managed to get the items SOLD over the weekend Processed, ready for postman.
I am not to sure, whether I will be able or well enough to list more items this weekend, we will just have to wait n see what happens.
I have all but given up working on the transit's Conversion, as with the Stomach and Eye issues, And being so far behind, I have lost all heart !!!
Hopefully someday I will get stuck back into it, even if it is just the odd day here or there.
we are also being held up with the installation of the water tanks and the roof rack, Not Ken's fault as he is not well himself.
Also money has been an ongoing issue, the last few months.
I have even spent the money that was going to allow me to get to Scotland and allow me to stay there.
so maybe not being well enough to carry on the conversion, may be a blessing in disguise, as it should allow the bank account to recover somewhat....................
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