14th September 2022 - CBRTIM Updates

Published on 15 September 2022 at 10:49

Good afternoon Folks.

Lunch is over, and I am in the workshop.

Nothing is planed to be honest am happy just to site with Tim n chill out.

Workshop temp is a lovely 13 degrees C, just right if I feel like getting anything done on CBRTIM....

So let's see if anything happens ??
As usual now, I have started to add a favourite track from Timothy's favourite music folder.
So turn up the volume and enjoy the Pics :) :) 

As usual please leave your comments in the blog at the bottom of the page..

Just looking around and spot this box, so I soon have it opened and the trolley ready to be used on the left side front board framework.

and I very stupidly removed the block and slid the small bench underneath the left side of the frame.

And I am on the floor in agony!

I have gone too far it takes a while, but finally manage to get in me wicker chair and I chill out for a long time.

I try n stand up but the sharp stabbing pain inside my knees from left to right, soon has me sat back down.
I realise that I am unable to get up to the house with the walking sticks and at the moment its not safe to use the zimer frame, so I sit back and plan on waiting for Lynne and Michael to come home and help me. 

I m so pissed off at myself for not waiting on someone to help me. But I have given up asking for help as no one is willing to offer there time for me.

This does grate on me badly after all the help I have given others over the years and I know the black dog just makes it spin around in my mind until I lash out or explode!. 

But back to Tim, lying in front of me is the lower fuel tank, and with my anger all over the place I finally decide its time to sort the issue out that I had already paid for to be sorted!.

So with my walking stick, I slide the lower tank roughly into place on the floor.

Hanging up beside me is a coupe of bungy straps, that I use to gradually lift this tank into place once more.

Again my trusty walking stick, comes in handy as I need to move my chair  a bit, so I slide these boxes out of the way and carefully stand up.

Luckily the wicker chair is nice n light but I still got some major pain just moving the chair around 6 inches.

That's better I can work a bit easier and in less pain now.

The tank gets slowly offered up into place using the bungy straps.  

and temp bolt up the rear tank mount to the frame.

and gently wriggle the front into place

I can now clearly see were the petrol tank fowls the frame !
A definite no no and not even got frame n tank painted yet!

Now as I had someone else build the tank and didn't expect Tim to come home with jobs that I had paid for to be completed and clearly not done! 

With the way My mind and the black dog is today, I am really struggling to stay focused and hold in my anger.

But I finally start to mark the frame area where the tank n frame meet and shouldn't. 

Now I do not know how much metal is left at the offending areas on the tank, so I very gingerly start to sand back the weld with baited breath.

Also gently sanding the frame area, letting the tool and sand paper do the work.

I try to trust my instincts, but I am not confident in any way.

So i take it is really small steps stopping to check regularly.
I have also messaged Maz, not because I didn't know that these parts should not be touched, but just to give me some confidence and to find out how much of a gap I would need, so we do not have the same issue once everything is painted.

I am not expecting a quick replay as I know Maz isn't that good at the moment, but I know she will reply when she can and for me that means so much especially at this time.

But we now have  a gap, and when I can find me feeler gauges I will measure the gap I have so far, but I do not think its enough to clear once sprayed.

but we will revisit this again another day.


I still have not found the bolts n rubber mounts for the lower tank! and I do not have any confidence that they will be found either.

Have found the stem yoke, with temp bolts, but no bearing or nuts and at the moment cannot see them anywhere!

So on goes the dummy lower bearing, the top bearing and the nuts.

And we are all together, ready to start to install the front end.

I find the test build girder arms and start to fit them using the temp bolts n spacers

and we are ready for the girders, but I am really struggling now and its only 3.30pm and Lynne and Michael won't be home till around 5.30pm.

I move the girders and prop against Tim and without thinking I twist on my legs n down I go again in agony.
Whilst I was trying to find the temp bolts to mount the front end together.
But now things have changed, I know I am not gonna be able to carry on, so once I get into me chair and have rested I slowly start to head for the house. 
I climb the stairs on me bum! and crawl into bed.

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