14th September 2022 - Vincent - Kawasaki 1500 SE

Published on 15 September 2022 at 09:58

Hi Everyone.

Today I will finally make a start on resolving the issues we had with Vincent back in July when he made his displeasure known to us very clearly.

This is so unlike as since we did all the work to him just after we brought him home, he has been really reliable, even after at times sitting forlorn and unused as I have not been well enough to ride.

So after the issue we had with the transit last night, and me being outside today and the suns out, I got me chair and the tools I will need and sat down and pottered on Vincent.

Below this text you will find another of Timothy's fav songs, so turn up the volume to max and enjoy today's pics... 

Got me chair and the few tools that I think I will need.

it's time to sit down and get on with the maintenance and if all goes well maybe a test ride later on ??

A while back I posted in one of the VN forums on face book what out issue was.
And amongst others "Steve Chalky White" replied advising me to cut back the HT leads about 1/4 an inch. 

Costs nothing, and Steve is usually right, so lets crack on....

So I start with the right side rear spark plug.
I am removing the spark plugs at the same time, so i can check there condition and replace if necessary.

MMMMMM weird as Vincent has always run on the richer side and I usually have to keep drying n cleaning the plugs every -4 months or so.

I think it might be time when the petrol tank is very low (as I cannot lift the petrol tank if its got fuel in as I just do not have the strength anymore).

and check the fuel filter as a starting point. 

I will look back at when I replaced all the fuel pipes last year, I may have replaced the filter then, but its a freeby check, that costs nothing.

Time to unwind the spark plug cap.

I must remember to make a note and buy some new ones and get them installed over the winter, these look quiet old..

Not much wire to be seen

So I chop the end of the HT lead.

All ready to test for a spark, and will adjust the gap before refitting the spark plug.

Lovely deep blue spark, so all put back 
! plug n lead done 3 more to go....

Onto the front cylinder right side spark plug.

Not too concerned about the colour of the plugs at this stage due to the issue and the fact that I had to feather the throttle very gently to keep the engine running smooth and not jerking all over the place. 

HT lead is cut back, no copper wire was seen when I remove the cap, but there's plenty now :) :) 
Again on testing a nice thick deep blue spark

That's the right side finished. 
HT leads pushed gently back in place under the tank and now time to go round and do the other side...


Now I moved the chair and am comfortable lets start on the left side..

Just like the right side plug for this cylinder, bit of a mixed message and just like teh other side not too fussed.

Somehow I need to give Vincent a good run out and I will recheck then as I believe I will get a clearer picture once engine is running smoothly once again. 

And soon the left side is completed :) :) 

And Vincent fires up on 1st stab of the starter button as usual and soon settle down to a nice tick over.

I did notice a loud tick on one cylinder (poss wants tappets adjusting??) I do not know.
I will get the gaskets and get it booked in at "B S D Engineering & Performance Ltd" and get it done when I get the carbs sorted....

God knows when that will be as besides the issue of being able to ride the money just is not there at the moment.  

Right Vincent is now ready for a test ride later on if I feel well enough, but for now its lunch time :) :)  

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2 years ago

I have always wondered what exactly causes the HT wire to disengage at the end as they do.

2 years ago

It's down to the current where th ecopper wire joins the plug cap screw and the constant being heated up when engine is running and being cold whilst standing.
If you look closely if you can see some copper wire it is almost always corroded a green colour, and the copper wire becomes very brittle and eventually breaks off.

The modern leads are even worse on a motorcycle and the graphite breaks down very easily, altho been used in cars/vans and others for years.

Although I must admit I changed my Transit HT leads for copper wire leads, expensive these days but I am convinced they last longer and you can always trim them unlike modern graphite leads.