Morning Folks, Today we are going to visit the "National Show Caves Center" for Wales.

some pics

taken by Zoe Osborn


were are


Some awesome scenery, that we saw whilst I was driving.

We arrive at our main visit for the day, I am determined I am not gonna spend all day in the car

The National Show caves Centre for Wales

When we parked up were directed were to park.
When I got out with the sticks,
the attendant kindly said I could part at the top of the hill close to the entrance,
I did explain that I don't have a blue badge, but he said that don't mater,
you look as if it would be a help to park closer
very nice man and much appreciated

Lynne, Zoe n Michael go for a look around around the entrance

whilst I park up

and meet me there

Ostriches - not a bird you would normally think of seeing in Wales.

Some interesting stone formations.

I am getting close to the parks entrance.

Entry to this part is FREE

The car park is surrounded with Dinosaurs hidden in the trees :) :)

different types of rock, to be found around the park.

loads to see and for the kids, plenty too do in the free area

Zoe and Michael, having a few moments together.

Michael in a very reflective moment.

Michael Osborn panning for gold !

and he found a few flakes of Gold (or fools gold).

After a wander around the lower area and a rest for me - we head of for the first cave.
Gotta pay for this, but as ticket covers other attractions you may want to see,
Proves to be a real bargain.

Dinosaur Olympics.

Huge welcoming sign.

I'm gonna do this cave, ok its the longest, but not gonna give up
I've not been in a cave since "Timothy James Osborn" and me went to Cheddar Gouge a life time ago

I take a long rest here, and the views make it an easy rest.
Sadly no seating in this area :( :(

It's a huge shame on today's society when they have to cage the stalagmites

Some very impressive sights to see

We are now at the bottom of this cave.
my right ankle and knees are really hurting now,
but I am determined NOT to use the lamp to call for help.
And spoil our day.

My knees are now protesting badly, and in agony, but there's no easier way out and I refuse to let Lynne, Zoe and Michael see the pain and ruin there day.

To late, Lynne has already noticed!
So with some encouragement, we slowly head towards the cave exit.

I manage with the aid of my sticks to get into a sort of rhythm going that steadily eats up the distance.

Bridge and Stairs !
Means we are getting close to the exit.

the stairs now are real agony but the sights are worth the effort

And finally we are out !
After just over 4 hours to take the tour of this cave, I am totally done in.
So at the first opportunity I had, it was on the ground and try n rest my legs.
Meanwhile, Lynne, Zoe and Michael go to the next cave, as I chill out in the welsh sun.

The cave is about 1.2 miles
am in agony but am really chuffed to bits

Feeling a lot better now, altho still in pain, it's not as severe as it was.
So head of back down to the free area and have a bite to lunch.

Unfortunately that's me all done, so I head of to the car to rest

Whilst Lynne, Zoe, Michael wander around some of the other sites to see, and take pics to show me later on..

What a cracking day out, Altho we could have done with another day to see everything we missed today.
time to get back on the road.
Altho I cant do much more,
I decide on a little side trip, for Lynne as we spotted a place we turned around in that she seemed to want to see
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