15th October 2019 - House and Garden - Vincent's Green Shed Updates.

Published on 19 September 2022 at 10:01

Time to start looking at widening the green shed door, as it is Not Wide Enough to get Vincent in.  
The Green shed may only be a temporary measure, but it still needs to be fit for what I want it to do.....

So whilst it's raining, I can get to work in the dry...

Measuring the width of Vincent's handle Bares  

There is no way the bikes gonna go thru the door  

Norton Commando - A handle bar slot on one side of the door way may work

So several attempts at

Measuring the current door

and just were I am gonna have to cut out to make the door wide enough

mmmm don't leave a lot left on this side of the door  

Not sure yet weather I will try and centre the new door width just yet.

Before I could measure it out my dammed knees went and I went to put my arms out to steady myself against Vincent.

but all I did was to move the bike and jar me lower back  
So that's it outside for today  

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