15th September 2022 - CBRTIM Updates

Published on 16 September 2022 at 01:47

Good morning folks.

Today's update is once again a real good one.

I have had another good afternoon of around 4 hours in the workshop, and apart from some concentration issues at times.

It has been an excellent day again.
In fact so far this week, considering how bad I have been these times I have managed on Tim have been a start to picking me back up and re starting to get some interest back in my life.

I am not stupid enough to realise that everyday will be like this, or that I can maintain it, But combined with the chat I had with Donald and Val Wed Nite, its been a real start.

Fingers crossed it stays that way....

As usual below here you will find another of Timothy's fav songs, taken from his fav lists I found on some cds he had made up!.

Norman from Slabcast reminded me that Lynne, Emma, Zoe & Timothy sang this at a karaoke night at the fisherman's arms one night.


So turn the volume to max and press play and enjoy whilst you are browsing today's album. 

Please leave your comments in the blog at the bottom of this page. they mean a lot to me.

Have just found this bag, not sure but could it have the lower petrol tank mounts inside ?

Looks like it, lets see if they fit!

I have removed the rear mount bolts i was using.
The bungy straps keeps the tank in place 

I have to remove the front bolts as well, so the tank can be moved around whilst the bungy straps take the weight for me..

I install the rear 2 rubber mounts and it looks as if some attempt has been made to make sure there is clearance with the petrol tank.

I do the mounts up only finger tight.
The mount metal washers will need more sanding back before final build.

A job i will do on final strip down for paint.

At he front mounts - Again I do the mounts up only finger tight.
The mount metal washers will need more sanding back before final build.

A job i will do on final strip down for paint.

With the sanding back of the fuel tank welds and the frame rails.

We now have some clearance, I am hoping to get around 4-5mm of clearance on both sides, so after painting there will be enough clearance left, so the tank and frame do not touch.. 

Right need to find more items that fit around the lower petrol tank, so I grab a plastic garden chair and put it were I sort of have enough room to sit and move around abit.

Not yet found the Bolts that Maz n Chrissie made for the girder arms, so back to using the test bolts for now.
Hopefully they will reappear as boxes n trays get emptied as I continue with the dry build.

But I cannot find all the bolts !!!
I just have to have faith they were put back in boxes  n trays when Tim was brought back to me..

The new girder suspension units are found.
I am not sure if they are just dusty or will need to be stripped and repainted at this stage.
I have no tack cloths in the workshop - must remember to order a load for when I do the final rebuild.

Only the top bolts fitted for now and as with everything for this final dry build, only finger tight.
I cant do the bottom bolts until I find and install the rockers for the girders.

Whilst sorting thru some trays n boxes found some items that attach around the lower fuel tank.

The igniter box slides on the mounts 

I cannot actually bolt this fuse box in place (or find the lid).
As it needs to be mounted before I mount the fuel tank!

Must remember this....

Not a clue were the start solenoid goes.
I will have to scour the pics taken and hope to find one of were it home is....

Lower rear engine mount

But I still do not have the strength to try n get the engine to line up with all the mounts! 
A job I am definitely gonna need a hand with from someone, but will try n get several jobs together that can all be done at the same time.

View from me wicker chair of work done at the front end today :) :) 

Reg/Rec unit found and after testing a few places.

I find it's home and loosely bolt in place.
Again would be better to install before installing the lower tank

I feed the wire out of the way for now, to keep it safe, till I am ready to start making the wiring loom up.
I still need to remove some wires from scanned in original wire diagram and find someone to check it over, if not find someone who can do a better job of making the loom up. 

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