16th September 2019 - Vincent Update

Published on 19 October 2022 at 07:33

Some good news, I have sourced a front mag wheel to match the rear I have coming  
Again its coming from USA  

So not sure if the vat man will sting me, but as none for sale in the UK or Europe, then not much choice  

So far I only have half of the money to cover the cost of this wheel, so will have to find more items to sell off,

( But for now will cover cost with using money from the house improvement account,)

which means not only will I have to pay back the money I borrow but also another £20.00 ont op for borrowing it !!!

Now for the Wheel bearings.

The company have got back to me, that I use for my wheel bearing and seal kits and looks as if each kit will cost less than the cost of buying from buying from Kawasaki  

They are now just putting the kits together for me  

Now just gotta find the money !

Replacement wheel from USA  

Wasn't expecting the rotor or the wheel bolt  

But always nice to have as spares (My rotor will go on as its brand new )  

Nowt a good polish wont cure  

about 2 weeks delivery time  

Fingers crossed it will be soon as we are missing the bike terribly

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