16th September 2022 - House and Garden Update

Published on 17 September 2022 at 11:02

Hi all.

Last night put a "wanted Handy man Post" on local facebook page.

Several people replied, but only 1 person followed the the very basic instruction and PM'd me, I sent him pics with details and when he came around yesterday as planned, he picked up all the other jobs by default, subject to getting funding in place.

But we have broken all the jobs down into manageable chunks and will have a quote for the first area on Monday or Tuesday and will be completed before Timothy's 38th Birthday on 1st of October. 

We know Donald and Val are coming, But Donald like me now uses a Zimmer frame, so it's important to me to make certain areas of our garden that I really struggle with myself safe and easy to walk on. 


We will continue to clear this area, that Lynne and Michael have already started.

I will see if I can find some timber to temp cover the bottom of the shed to protect what is inside it for now.


This area, J R H Building Services, will be digging enough lawn area out to prepare to lay the 20 slabs we have.

He will also be using some of the old rubble n suitable rubbish to compact before laying sand,n groundsheet and finally the slabs.


This area will be dug out levelled with the rest of the garden slope..

and will be finally the whole area will be slabbed..

Making this area a lot easier for me to use, as well as riding Vincent over.


Our original path will be pulled up as they go and levelled with the slabs in front and to the side of the Blue shed.

Which will also make this area a lot more pleasing on the eye and easier to keep the weeks in check.

Stroll on next week, just hope the rain stays away and see and use the improvements.

The brown shed is waiting on me to finishing sorting and listing items that are currently in the computer room, waiting to be photo'd and listed on Ebay and possibly on my new website (if I can think I can get enough people to view).

At the moment as long as I do daily updates on facebook, we are averaging between 70 - 150 people most days, so it is feasible and would save on ebay fees :) :) 

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