17th February 2023 - Disco Transit Green Long Wheel base and Hi Roof Conversion

Published on 18 February 2023 at 17:40

Hi Folks.. - Overslept again.....

I am on my own today, as Lynne is out with a much needed day out with Zoe.

So I am not sure what jobs I will tackle today, I will just see what happens, as the day progresses.

To make matters a bit worse yesterday I think I pulled a muscle in my back,

It was tender all night long and when I rolled onto it it woke me up!.

So will be taking that into account today, as soon as it twitches I will stop and have a short break, and hopefully it will not slow me down too much. 

Updated - Jobs pencilled in till Sunday

Boy has this list grown !!

Green - Completed job

purple - job in progress

Yellow - Job Description
Blue - new jobs added or not started


1. Finish the frame work around the portaloo. - Finished!!
2. Add cross batons to bathroom/kitchen wall. -  Finished!!
3. add sound proofing/insulation to bathroom/kitchen wall. -  Finished!!
4. find position for sink in bathroom. - DONE
5. add extra supports to mount the sink. - hopefully be completed next Monday
6. Panel the bulkhead battery frame work.
7. Area next to passenger door, needs washing and going over with wire wool.
8. Finish adding sound proof pads - Still ongoing, need to move stuff around to get to the rest
9. Insulate Bathroom -  Finished!!
10. Clean old original panels - Lynne has just about washed every panel she can get too so far
11. Glue extra Insulation in the inside of the kitchen panel. -  Finished!!

12. Paint the Kitchen panel - Done 
13. put them back were they belong. - behind Kitchen - done

14. make base for bathroom sink 9mm ply - 

15. Mark out and cut inside bathroom wall 3mm ply - using the 3mm plyboard from workshop - started today

16. measure and cut 1st roof panel 3mm ply - It is up but not yet finished!
17. in 1st roof panel, cut holes for ceiling lights. - DONE
18. run light wires thru roof frame. - Done 12 volt & 220 volt lights & wires.
19. Finally screw roof panel into place. - Waiting on some panel clips
20. mount bathroom sink extra mounts - 

21. install sink tap & waist pipe - REMOVED to install wall boarding
22. add cross members to the bathroom wall were water pipe mounts will go -  Finished!!
23. re-assemble the framework onto raised toilet area - 
24. measure and cut 3mm panel for behind the toilet -  Finished!!

25. insulate the panel and fix into place -  Finished!!

26. - put bathroom door frame back. - 
27. remove grill from kitchen unit and repair and put back - Removed
28. water pumps screw to back of kitchen unit - 
29. remove sink and drainage board - 
30 buy some sealant gaskets for kitchen unit and install - arrived - not yet ready to use
31. refit cooker & sink & drainage board -  
32. move kitchen to its final location - Now within an 1nch
33. bolt the kitchen in place.
34. Glue extra Insulation in the inside of the drivers side rear wheel arch panel. - Done

35. Paint the Drivers side rear wheel panel -  

36 - in workshop behind CBRTIM and get 2 x 3mm 8x4 foot sheets - DONE



39. Kev's workshop - Make some brackets and install roof rack on roof of transit. (Funds ring fenced) - Booked in on Tuesday 14th Feb.

39A. Kev's workshop - If time and funds allow, get water tanks installed underneath and plumbed into the back. (have some funds available but I know it will not be enough!) - Booked in on Tuesday 14th Feb.


Double Bonus job, to have worked out and cut the bed frame & have it mounted!

view of the bathroom wall board being slid into place.
There will be some excess, that will need to be cut away, hopefully big enough so it can be used elsewhere.

This is the 220 Volt mains wire, that is going to the 2nd ceiling light.

On goes the joiners and I give them a bit of a tug, and they stay in place :) :) 

The mains ceiling lamp, exactly the same, but will run from mains via a voltage dropper..

All connected up, I just need to find the insulating tape purely as a precaution.

For now I clip the lamp in place, so it is not in the way.

12 volt left - 220 volt right

Now I feel up to tackling the bathroom wall covering, I know its gonna be frustratingly slow and awkward, but it has to be done...

As I trim the top (now got rid of the bow) the top of the van frameworks gets in the way!.

All I can do, is slide the panel in place until it hits something, mark the board, pull it back out again

Trim it some more.
And now the issue has moved down the board!

This gap is now noticeably closer, which gives me a bit of a boost.
But just gonna chill for a few mins, before getting back to this job. 

right am back and have trimmed some areas that I had marked

and we have gone down another couple of inches, so we are going in the right direction...

the heartening news is that the bottom is slowly getting closer!

after some more bits cut/sanded out after they were hitting the sides of the van

Now I am having to move back up to the top, as I have got the middle & bottom closer, with the vans side slanting inwards, the board needs to be trimmed back.

Now we have a bit of space again, so I can work on the sides of the board again.

It is getting so close now, that it is frustrating!

I just do not have the knowledge or confidence to mark the board and try n cut it all out in one go!
I know I would feck it up.

even this cutout is just over halfway closer than it was before I started this morning...

got a whole chunk to remove from the top 

Damm we are so close !

I have marked the board, but I am a bit uneasy cutting this amount off!!

Ah well, I can only loose 2 days work!!....

Finally the board sits were it should :) :) 

Considering just how shaky my hands are at times, I am well happy with the cut lines.

Which will be covered up.

Just the bit at the top, I cut too much off!
But again all corners will have some form of architraving  to not only help cover up my cock ups, but to give the bathroom, that added touch.

Needs some more trimming here

I had left a gap of 3.2mm for the sidewall board, to slide into the back board, and it worked a treat.

Each board is supporting the other, this small gap, will be filled in with some wood filler, before being covered.

The top part of the board, is not quite so good :( :( 
But again will be covered over

The board, is finally were it should be...

Time to start screwing it to the frame work

Altho we measured the line carefully to find the edge of the upright framework,
We still had to stagger the screws a bit (I forgot the board on the kitchen side, had not been planed flat !!) 

I still have to add screws along the bottom and the to the cross members of the framework.

we have just cut off the excess, not quite as straight a line as I would have liked, but hopefully it will be used else ware.

Lynne is inspecting our handy work... 

After I had set the blades up and had a go myself, Lynne takes over for here 1st time at electric planing. 

I will get the DODO insulation back in between the framework tomorrow, as it has gone 9pm and do not want to disturb my neighbours...

Altho I overslept and wasn't feeling very good, I managed a steady days work.
I am happy the bathroom wall is now in place and hopefully an hour or so will finish it ready for paint.
But for us it is a milestone reached!
Ok there is still plenty of things to do in the bathroom, but at least we are now over the worst part. 

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