17th November 2022 - Life n Grimes of Mr Creature

Published on 18 November 2022 at 08:14

Morning Folks.

Bit of a mixed bag today!

Without realising it at the time, most days this week, I had been play music when sat at my computer nice n loud!
There are some songs, that I am having to stay away from, but for me this is totally unexpected news, but a welcome surprise.

On the other hand my back is still stopping me from doing most of the tings, I would like to be getting on with. 
I was hoping to get my Hayden Guitar amp un-buried and fired up for testing, get it's pics taken and then get it listed, this week, but I do not think that will be happening, As I am getting virtually no help from anyone else.

The Living room, painting has come to a stop, it is just too risky for me to carry on at this time.
So another bloody job I have started that will not get finished :( :( 

If I can figure a way to get the gazeebo up and secure in these strong winds, I would get the carbs of Vincent, so I can get him detailed and then Listed! :( :( 
I need the money to buy a solar setup for the transit and from what I have been told so far, it really needs to be fitted before I make a start on insulation and boarding out!
Something I had not even thought about !!

I also need to sort out banking as at the moment am not able to get to bank to put money in or to withdraw money when needed. And Lynne's not happy as we have gone into the overdraft for the 1st time in along time.
I knew it was gonna catch up with us sooner or later, hence why I never went ahead and continued to get the garden sorted out.
But like everyone else I was not expecting the financial shit the country would end up in, which has made the whole overdraft issue twice as bad as I expected.

this has upset the apple cart somewhat, even to the stage of stopping getting the van converted ! 
Which If I am honest with myself, is all that I have been thinking about and all I want and am using it to help me fight the depression and to be able to do small jobs around the house, but that does not seem good enough.

So once again my mind is all over the place - the nightmares of Lynne having an affair have again resurfaced as I am more than ever convinced that She does not want me around any more. And to be honest I can't stand being here when it's like this.
We seem to have gone 2 steps forward and 20 backwards. I am beginning to wonder if we will ever find happyness together again.

The only thing I can do is get some of the bigger items sorted and listed somehow !
But I do not have the space to do this :( :( 

I just want away to Scotland as soon as I can !!..........................


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