18th August 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.
Good Morning.
Not much to add today as been pretty much sleeping thru the nights and the mornings as well.
I am not sure if that's a good thing,
But today we have spent more time together listening too each other and I feel a little better for it.
Late this afternoon we went for a walk up to the drains, and the plan was to meet Michael at his car when he got home for work.
But I was starting to be in trouble, with my legs n joints so we made the lot slower stroll back home, altho in agony pleased we got outside and away from the house even tho it was for a short time.
Again today I have been reflecting over the things in my mind. I just hope Lynne doesn't think I am miserable.
We have touched on some things that are possibly gonna make huge impact on our lives possibly a lot sooner than we want. but at least we are just starting to face these things.
And I am sure they will be discussed in my "Life n Grimes of" when I feel ready to scribble things down.
So far this month with the "Life n Grimes of" I am still not reading what I write I am just letting it all flow as it comes.....
The main difference is that I am able at the moment to read back what I have written :):)
I will continue to transfer all the old "Life n Grimes of Mr C." from FB.
So far, those I have transferred are reasonably easy for me to read, so some days when I start to struggle with the posts and the reply's. There may not be any updates.
The hope Lynne n me have is that they may extend further back into my life were a lot of the black dog causes started, whilst the walls are down !
And fingers crossed I will be able to deal with each event and if not gain full closure, but be able to put them to one side and be happy with the outcome enough to move on..