As I was sat here, waiting for photos to be recovered from the faulty hard drive I am trying to recover.
I decided to hit one of the VN1500 Rooms on Farce Book. with the following post....
Hi all.I have an annoying issue that may be mistaken as a faulty battery issue.
The last few years I've not really been well enough to ride, so my 1500 SE often sits for weeks at a time.
If bike is used daily or every 2-3 days there is no problems.
But if 're bike stands longer, then when you press the start button, you either get clicking like fault selonoid, or will try to turn engine over only to lock up.
The following was found, after replacing battery and solenoid, which did not solve the issue.
I removed all he plugs, the 2 on right side of bike were dry!.The rear left plug was dry!The front left was soaking wet !!
I turned the motor over on the button and loads of petrol smelling locked shot out the left side front cylinder only....
I put the plugs back in and she fired up up straight. Away, ran great on test run.
Left the bike to stand for a few weeks and same issue happened. Brought new kwak fuel tap and this did not resolve the issue.
All fuel pipes have been replaced. Checked fuel tap only options are on prime and reserve..

Fuel Tap and all fuel pipes were replaced with NEW OEM parts in June this year.
and did not cure the fault.

Got this reply from....
Douglas Engie - The float valve is sticking or worn out on the front carb. The high fuel level allows gas to drain into the motor. You most certainly have gas in your crankcase as well. You'll need to replace the float valve, check for damage on the float and set the float level. Then change oil and filter and should be good to go.

Which I thought might be a good starting point.
and one well worth pursuing.
Vincent is going into a motorcycle workshop soon, to have tappets adjusted, so can be done at the same time.
I do really miss working on my bikes, but with shaky hands no strength to lift bits or move them about let alone be able to use screw driver or spanners, It does not leave me a lot of choice.

So ordered this ( X2 ) as I couldn't find just the gasket for less money!
Ordered 2 of these float needle sets, just in case my seat knackered.

Found (x2) of these, for some unknown reason I did not pay for them, luckily they are still available.
So when they arrive, I will contact the shop that does Vincent's MOT's and other jobs and get it booked in.
They know I am on a Zimmer frame and are happy to give me a lift home and back again if needed.
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