Hi Folks.
Finally Back in the Computer room again, and after Fridays episode am gonna be extremely careful!
I will be still sorting and listing, altho the listing boxes are pretty full!
But as it's all small stuff at the moment, I will keep going, as it needs to be done so I can finish my old recliner chair (As still hoping to get it out of here this weekend!).
Which would make some much needed space!
So between sitting down and processing Items SOLD, I will split my time between the living room and the computer rooms and maybe one or 2 other small jobs..

I am running out of the card, I use for cds & DVD's in sleeves, so I decided to clear this area, so I can sort the drawers out and get some more card out.
This will also help with the paper situation in sorting out the computer room, as I will be able to get to there docket folders and put them away..
Also on the plus side I have found the NABD cash tin, so that is another job, I hope to get completed in the next day or so.
Most of the stuff, that was on the floor has ended up on my old chair, waiting for me to sort.
Most will be listed, but some is for the conversion, Vincent & workshop and a load of papers to be put away.

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