1st February 2023 - Disco Transit Green Long Wheel base and Hi Roof Conversion

Published on 2 February 2023 at 09:00

Hi Folks.
Back into the transit we go.....

am in a n extremely good place this morning, (Long may it last)
And I will happily ride this wave for as long as it lasts.

All being well, I am hoping to get a lot of the bathroom framework cut and assembled today.
But I am going thru the batons like crazy, so we will have to see just how long they last. 

That works :) :) 
So I take the measurements

I measure up and with an off-cut and some small G clamps, This joint is screwed into place.
I just have to grind of the exposed bits of the screws... 

The other end soon follows

all laid out and ready to be screwed down.
But something does not feel right.....

It is this battery cover, that's causing me some anxiety !

Once it is boarded over, will it come it still be able to come out, especially when I have the framework built up next to it for storage of toilet rolls..

My min dis re-fusing to work, I have no ideas popping in my head :( :( 

Just playing around with off-cuts, to see if anything springs to mind ??

Dam enforced break time, just maybe that will help me out ??
After I have washed n changed,

I will sit and do a bit more on Lynne's Computer..

Some baton bits cut to size for the next little project.

I sit it on top of the frame work I have already done.

I start to assemble the baton parts.
I am almost out of the triangle plates, I like to use, so am having to mix with some right angle brackets.

Lynne's come home from School and I have asked her which position this will be best at.

It is only 2 short as I was using baton off-cuts as only have 2 x 7ft lengths left...(and still not enough funds to buy more)

We finally agree that this is the better place. and it looks nicer

I dry build the framework, so Lynne can see how it will look.

It is not what I would like to have done, but because of the way the porta loo comes apart for emptying, it is a compromise.

Not so much done today, but that is purely down to my memory issues these days, 
when it just would not work as it should, I walked away for a few hours and did some tweaks on Lynne's Computer.
Then as I could feel my mind starting to look at the issues and how to get around them went back into the transit.

If nothing else I have learnt a bit about myself, and how to live with it.

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