1st October 2022 - Timothy's 10 year anniversary and 38th birthday

Published on 2 October 2022 at 11:10

Good day folks.

Today is a very special "Timothy James Osborn" day.

on 14th September 2022, it was the 10 Year Anniversary since Timothy was taken from us.
and Today 1st October 2022 is his 38th Birthday.

So this year we decided to combine them together on his birthday, and invite all his friends n family.

As you will know, we have been very busy over the last month or so, getting the garden into the best and safe condition. - See " House and Garden Album".

We were not expecting many people as it was sort of a last minute thing, so we created an event on facebook and invited 30 plus of family and his friends.
Not many people bothered to let us know if they were coming or not, which made ordering of food n drink a bit hard.

But it is what it is....

We also contacted those who are not on facebook as well.

But Timothy Blessed us with booking the best weather we could hope for. Nice n sunny - T-shirt weather and a glorious day.

We saw loads of giant Dragon flies through out the day well over 4 " long and awesome colours, and generally the gnat's stayed away!.

But we did use some repellant sticks, but not even half a box, just to be on the safe side.

As we thought not many Turned up, but none of us cared as we had a most excellent day with Tim's name mentioned a lot with loads of laughter.

The day went on a lot longer than we thought it would, and we have been asked to do it again next year.

Which at least means we have more time now to get things in the garden finished...

We hope you enjoy the pics, hopefully some more will arrive if anyone sends them to me, I will add them here.

Timothy and Donald at Fee Donald Mine Straughton Scotland.

Today (3rd October) I was looking thru the Birthday Post I added to my Face Book account and I came across the above pic.
I do not know what made me stop, But Something told me to add to this album and then let my fingers walk over the keyboard, like i used to after we just lost Timothy.

( as I never read any of those original posts, when I do this, I still do not read them, so I can only hope they make sense).

Luckily Donald is still with us, to regale us with stories of Tim during there times spent together at work, There House or Scotland.

But thi spic is also special to Lynne and me, as some of Timothy's were laid under some rock on the mine, just in a favourite Spot of Timothy's Donald's, Val and from 2013 Lynne n Mines fav spots.
As we could feel the peace n calmness of the excitement of Timothy being there.

What none of us realised at the time from where we left our car to the mine and back was a 20 mile round trip!

Even tho Donald n Me got into a lot of trouble (and our wives still don't let us forget even now) it was worth every bit of it and the agony I was to suffer for the next month. 


Sadly Val, Donald n me have been disguising this and altho we are all desperate to make the journey to Fee Donald's Mine and a last visit to a site that Tim loved so much.
It's a journey that will remain on our wish list as none of us are fit/well enough to drive to Straunton, let alone the hike up to the mine.

The new Barbie we brought ( Huge thanks to Zoe's Kyle for taking on the barbie duties later on).

But for now we are just getting set up.

We used 2 of the disco stands, which proved very useful as not to big or to small, this one was mainly for the mozzie stuff.

The 2nd of the disco's stands became the bar :) :) 

Lynne n me had a chat later in the day and have decided we will NOT be selling these 2 stands off.

They are just too useful and they break down quickly and do not take up much space.

Marquees are up tables n seats are out, with some spares in green shed and kitchen if needed and they were :) :)

It's chill out time in the sun our first visitors were Kelly and Courtney both of whom we consider as family so it was great they were able to come.

Timothy's corner, we did not use it much this year as I was concerned about the front slabs, but we will soon have a wall with steps wide enough for a zimmer frame in place over the next few months, subject to the weather.

Kim & co (Lynne's little sister) could not make it unfortunately, but Cardiff is a long way, 

but she sent us these lovely flowers, which took pride of place in Tim's Corner.  

Lynne's Big brother couldn't make it but his children Kayleigh and Luke (or should we say young adults) turned up, so a lot of catching up was done.

Vincent took pride of place and drew many good comments, made me feel guilty as he is in need of a good clean.

Kyle n Rhys were using some of the disco screens to fence off the area down the side of the brown shed, to make sure none of the children ran down there.

Today was the first day since that day 10 years ago that I actually saw a genuine smile on his face and loads of laughter too.. :) :) 

The cloths will be washed and then we will set then up get pics and they will be on Ebay soon...

Another pic different view of the lovely flowers Kim sent us.

family fun time catching up...

Ashleigh really good friend of Zoe's and another one who we look upon as family worked alongside Timothy and they were firm friends.

Tim's and an adopted family member Donald turns up. Unfortunately Val was not well and could not make it. ( Get well soon darlin, I will be round again soon).

Young Timothy (our 1st grand child and named after Timothy) is not so small anymore!

Donald regaling us with loads of stories about Tim and Them and Tim

Loads of laughter 

Hobby and Simon turned up as well, but for some unknown reason I didn't get their pics.

Had such a lovely day yesterday with Zoe Osborn and her amazing family. It Was a beautiful day and a wonderful celebration of tims life. Love you all! 
The above pic with kind permission of Ashley.

Hobby has been a family friend since the early 80s. and Simon worked with Tim at Morrison's.
We did spend a lot of time looking at and talking about CBRTIM, and have given me some go go juice to get back down the workshop as soon as I am well enough.

it was also good to see Alison later on in the day.

Around 12 people turned up and joined in the day,

not as many as we had hoped,

but that's how things go.
The important thing for Lynne n Me was that they enjoyed themselves.

Huge thanks for turning up and helping us celebrate this special day and yes we will be doing it again next year :) :) 

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2 years ago

Today was a beautiful day to celebrate tim! Was lovely to see everyone together and share some lovely stories and blessed memories. Big love to the family and tim who have been such an cherished part of my life since I was little. Xxxxxx

Stephen Osborn
2 years ago

Ashleigh, was great to see you again. Hopefully again real soon. Huge thanks for coming today it meant so much to us all xxxxxxxxx