1st September 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.

Morning Everyone.

Sorry no updates, but not in a good place and have not been for a while now.
And it only seems to be getting worse!

Today is gonna be one of those posts I will not be reading! As I have tried and nothing appears on the screen! so for teh 1st time in a longtime I am just gonna let my gingers run over the keyboard and then press enter.

I just hope that it provides the release I need to carry on the fight.

I am now fighting daily to not take my antidepressants, But I am fast becoming convinced I will soon have no choice or just end it all.....

Lynne tries here best but have not seen much of here as I have been hiding in my bed and tryingto just let the sleep take over. and see if its so called healing properties will help me.

But has probally just made things worse as when ever I look around I am on my own ! noone there just to comfort or hold me to help me feel that I am not alone.

Disco bookings are not good for 2022 and still not sure if we will survive til then either................

CBRTIM has come to a hault except for the work Pigasso are doing on finished teh main petrol tank.!

No reply from Kev with any updates for about a month now and have sent a final text asking if there is enough funds to get him returned home.

It appears no one in the family wants CBRTIM anymore, so I do not seem the point of carrying on!.

I have decided that we will be heading over to Wozwolf this weekend, too see how I cope - we cannot camp and I wanna ride Vincent so booked in on hotel. for & sat nites - sat at rally - sunday ride home. - we will be going up straight after Lynne gets home from skool!

and we will see how I cope. A lot is riding on the weekend as if I cannot cope, then I will not be able to fulfil disco bookings as just wont be well/strong enough.

My mind is very slow now and I am easily getting confused. om teh plus side this last 5 days have lost over a stone in weight but then I worry about that as well.

Maybe its time to call ittime on life and just let it all go peacefully to sleep.