7th January 2022 - CBRTIM UPDATE BLOG

Published on 16 July 2022 at 23:03

Having a trawl thru boxes stored in workshop today.
I have run out of storage space, as usual.

So need to clear some space by selling parts of, that I am not gonna need.

I have already put aside one of these, along with new clutch/friction plates

and Springs, washers nuts bolts etc... 

1.PART NO.22350-MM5-000

the above 3 Photo's are for the same listing :) :)

If you are interested, I am happy to sell off Ebay. As long as no bids.

( https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275389411534 )


Please Email me at Mr_Creature@hotmail.co.uk

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