Used to buy all my parts from CMSl, but since we left EU now way to expensive, so get them from uk now..

Today is Discussion time.
Maz, Kev & Myself are all on FB chat and we are taking about Hydrolic foot clutch.
Ok If I am honest often these discussions can be spread over several days.
But here is a condensed version.
We know we have to fit a Kliktronic and that's not an issue.
But the Arthritis in my Finger joints, elbows & shoulder joints, mean that my left arm tires very easily and way to quickly.
On Kurgan it was easy to resolve as Kurgan had a cable hand clutch and Desperate Dan used a "Hydraulic-Clutch-Master-Cylinder-Rod-Brake-Pump" and after mounting it, made a bracket on the clutch arm. Mods and fitting Kindly done by Chris Ireland (desperate Dan).
Which did the job quiet well
The Honda Big One Motor has a hydraulic clutch!
So this idea is a non starter.
So we discuss several options and eventually Maz knew of an idea that had been done before :) :)
I believe that we may not be needing all the items in the pics, which covered several ideas.
Time will tell :) :)

Just one of the options we are looking at..

Old honda front brake pipe union

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SLAVE CYLINDER AS | partno. 22860ML7010 | https://www.cmsnl.com/products/slave-cylinder_22860ml7010/
CMS - Parts For A Better Ride
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