20th April 2018 - Visit to MazChopz

Published on 20 September 2022 at 14:21

A trip down to Western Super-Mare to see Maz, as we have a few things to sort out, that need us to be together with Tim.

There are just some things that cannot be done over the phone or facebook...

Today is all about planning were the Speedo and Rev counter will go.

I am sat on on Tim (ouch) but as I am leaning forward not ideal to finalise placement.

So whilst Maz is holding CBRTIM - I am sat on him and Lynne is moving the clocks around.

We settle on this, as we would like a console being added to the petrol tank.

But when you build Like I do, 
I have basic plans and see where the build and Tim leads us!

But we have food for thought about the console, talking of food, its time to clean up and go for our usual carvery....

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