20th January 2023 - Vincent - Kawasaki 1500 SE Album

Published on 21 January 2023 at 01:15

Hi Folks.

it has been a while, since I have been well enough to even consider going out and visiting Vincent....

But today I have spent some 30 mins outside around Vincent.

It is a very sad day for me, as I luv Vincent and have has some great times riding him, in the short time we have owned him.

Yes we had to spend some money on him, when we first brought him, sorting out the cockup's and abuse he had suffered from previous owner, but the last few years he has been trouble free.

Until our last ride out (see last album is 2022 - I think it is)
It just was not very happy at all.

After some work on the ignition side of Vincent and ruled that side out, we came to the conclusion that the issue was partially blocked mains jets.

Now I am just not well enough to do this work on my own anymore, so it sort of got left.
There were a few other minor issues, that we wanted to resolve at the same time.

1. if left for a week or so with fuel tap switched off, it would fill the front pot up with fuel that was in the carb and pipe!.
This we found out was down to worn float valve n seats - so they were ordered.

2. the fuel filter has been on the bike for 2 years now, and was looking a bit dirty.
Altho not affecting the fuel flow, I decided whilst the tank was off, it would be ideal to replace it so a new one was ordered.

3. The tappets are a bit tappy, this model is known for it, but whilst everything was off we decided to have them done, so the gaskets were ordered.

And then my mental health took over and that is were things stayed...............

Now today my Mental Health is even worse, but we talked last night and made the choice that we need to sell Vincent, I needed the money for Scotland and it was not fair on Vincent to be just sat there doing nothing...
So today.

 I found the gasket and float valves.

But at the time of ordering I could not get complete kit with the float valve seats!

So I ordered these as well.

Not an issue as these will be passed on to the new owner along with new oil & filters.

But I could only find 1 Rocker Cover Gasket, altho Lynne's Kitchen has far less paper stuff laying around.

So I ordered another one today.

I was not well enough to tidy up and clear out Vincents home, so Michael covered him up for me in Sept 2022.

But today Vincent got to see the sun once again...

I did try the ignition, but in my heart I knew the battery would be flat

So i pulled out the transits battery charger and plugged it in, as you can see, the battery is that flat that it is not even registering.

So I pulled up a garden seat and covered the extention socket up and put the battery charger in the Leather black bag and left it alone.

I am hoping the battery will charge up, but I will leave over night and check in the morning. 

That is it for today, everything is covered up, even Vincent has his sleeping cover back on.

I have spent far longer outside that I could have hoped for.

So now we wait.

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