Good Morning Folks.
As usual not much done in morning due to water tablets and the lack of control they help give me.
But this afternoon is a different story.
After lunch and a brew Lynne n me head down to the workshop to do some more to CBRTIM.
First job is to remove the lower frame rail.

I call Lynne in as she was pottering around the garden.
and we start the slow process of moving CBRTIMS engine towards CBRTIMs frame.

Lynne n me get the engine about halfway to the frame, when Lynne cannot give anymore and goes n get's Michael.
Meanwhile we move some boxes of CBRTIMs bits to were the engine was.

Michael n me get the engine into the frame and roughly align it up.
And bolt up the frame side rail.

The frame rail bolts are only loosely done up at this stage.
I am sure these frame bolts are supposed to be countersunk. I will have a chat with Maz.

A bit of jiggling the engine about and the top front engine mount lines up and I find nut n bolt and do it up loosely.(so the engine has some movement as I aline the other mounts together).

Time for a breather from working on engine,
so I remove the lower fuel tank.
And start to clear the petseal that has been spilt over the top of the fuel tank.

Starting to look better !
Just need to hand sand the tank probably tomorrow now.
As Lynne has had enough in the garden and I think I may have pulled something in my left knee, whilst lifting n dragging the engine..

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