Hi Folks.
Late this morning, I felt like doing something different, So into the living room I went.
Now its been about a week since I last did anything in here, as I did my back in and fell down whilst trying to paint the lower reaches of the walls.
so it is some trepidation, with my back still giving loads of grief, that I do any decorating.
But Lynne has said she will do the lower parts, I struggled to reach over the weekend.
So I decide it is time to start to paint this radiator.
The heating has been off for a few days, So I carefully move the foot stall and grab the paint and give the can a shake as hard as i can.
I give the radiator a good clean and use some 180 grit sandpaper to help give the paint a key.
I have chosen the smallest paint brush, altho it will take longer, but I thought it might be easier to control the paint as cover better.
So I start to paint, using the paint that is stuck to the lid, and start near the wall, with a strip of old cardboard to protect the wall, if I slip or fall.
And the combination is starting to look good, I am sure Lynne will like combination, when she get's home.
It takes me about 3 times as long to paint the radiator, with it's first coat than it should do, But I just do not care, when I am in this mood.
For the 1st coat it's not too bad. I seem to have missed some bits at the bottom but will ask Lynne to do them for me.
I will leave the paint now to dry.
I am again in agony (altho whilst I was Painting my back felt alright till I forgot and
moved to quick or sharply).
But the pain is back with A vengeance, so make a sandwich take a couple of Tramadol and crawl up to bed, for an hour or so.
Next thing I know Lynne is waking me up, and I struggle to realise I am not dreaming!
Just over 5 hours solid sleep :) :)
So will have to leave to do anymore till tomorrow, as after Michael goes up to bed, it's our time and we just sit talk & do some of those very small jobs, that always seem to not get done!
It's only been a couple of nights of these chats, but we enjoy them and when we talk in total relaxation, we feel a lot better for it.
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