Hi Folks.
This job, is one that should have been done ages ago, when Zoe brought us new cupboard doors!.
But like most things around the house, they tend to take the back burner and other things get in the way.
So I hope We get it all done before Lynne comes home today, and likes it.
I know it's only a small thing and she probably will not notice it for a few houss, but it will make me happier to have the job crossed of the list.
So last week I ordered some heavy duty kitchen door magnets.
And they arrived yesterday :) :)
In the hoe that we will not have doors that refuse to stay closed.
Ok it means a bit of extra work lining the doors back up again, but I am sure it will be worth the effort....
Will start with this do, as you have to lift it to get it to close and then it just opens itself again!
Now have the centre line correct, I just need to reset the door levels.
Magnet screws are in, altho they took some screwing in!
Dammed screwdriver don't have a normal chuck, so I cannot pre-drill the holes.....
And both heads broke of when I screwed to plate to the door!
And cannot find a bloody drill that I can lift!!
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