Right time to give the radiator it's 2nd coat of paint.
I want to get it done early, so that when the heating goes on at 5pm, so the house is warm for when Lynne n Michael get home from work.
I am hoping that this will be the final coat,
But only Time will tell.
I am using a bigger brush today, as I was not convinced the small brush was soft enough.
But it did not take as long to do this time :) :)
But I seem to have missed spots, that I only found on blowing up this pic!
I think a trip to the Opticians is on the books, once we have me settled back on the meds again.
Time to get as much paint of the brush and onto these pipes, were it at least is not going to waiste!
And looks quiet good, that I did a bit more :) :)
But once again my back has reared it's ugly head, so time to take some tramadol, and instead of going to bed, am gonna try n sit here on my computer chair, and at least be a little bit productive.....
Lynne will paint the bottom of the radiator for me, over the weekend hopefully, and the bottom pipes that I just cannot reach.
The door frame will be next but that's a few days away as needs a bit more prep work that the radiator and pipes needed.
It's starting to look nice n Lynne loves it.
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