Morning Folks...........
I am looking forward to today's progress, So let us hope for a good day with plenty done.
Altho not looking forward to going outside, as it seems to be another freezing start!
But once I have electric hooked up it will only take 10 mins or so for the rad to start warming up the back of the transit.
So as it is too early to go outside and make any noise in the back of the transit (do not want to disturb Lynne or our neighbours sleep).
Lets start the day as usual with the goodies that arrived at various stages yesterday but did not get chance to sit and open the packages.

Campervan Folding Bracket Table Extension Shelf Motorhome Caravan Wall Hinges
I found these, whilst I was looking for something else!.
At this stage I do not even know were the fold-able table will go ??
But they are here now, ready for when I need them.
It just means that I will not be held up, when I start work on the table.
5 Pcs Collapsible Storage Crates, Foldable Crates Storage Boxes, Plastic Storage Baskets with Handle, Stackable Storage Boxes for Shelves Desk Bathroom Office Organising (1 Large & 4 Small)
Now these are not what I was expecting!
But that is what happens when you are searching for something online and I was not in the right place and get confused with metric & imperial measurements!.
But as Lynne said they are cute and just the right size for some areas in the conversion, so they will be used.
I will nip into town at some stage and buy some!!

4 Pcs Drill Chuck Key Set, Universal T Keys Drill Press Wrench Chuck Keys Replacement, Chuck Key for Electric Drill, Pillar Drill - 20mm-16mm-13mm-10mm
Now I am always loosing the chuck keys, plus I struggle to use them with my fingers not able to grip and they hurt like made, so saw these and thought why not!
Not tried them yet but they feel comfortable to hold, but will reserve judgement till I start drilling large holes in the floor!!.
Half of my Screen is full of Post it Notes!.
So over the next 2 weeks, I am hoping to hammer into them and get rid of a load of the post it notes.
I am sure as parts of jobs, and jobs on these post it notes get done, more will appear, but that is just the nature of things, when I have broken each job down to the smallest step possible, so it does not overwhelm me too much...

After my trip to stock up yesterday at Andrews Timber.
There is no room for me to get in the back safely, let alone do any work.
The electric went off!

Nothing at the extension lead into the transit, so back indoors I go and the light on the extension lead I plug the extension lead from the transit into!.
Confused ???
Ok when I get to the transit and when I come back out of the transit, whether it is for a break or at the end of the day.
I am very unsteady on my legs and in great pain.
So to save me going into the house to the computer room (door is at other end of house) to unplug and then go back outside to put the lead in the transit.
I use 2 extension leads both with trips and surge protection. a 2mtr lead to socket and the extension rests on window ledge with top window slightly open.
And I currently use an extension reel from the disco to plug into that and into the back of the transit.
This way means I have several steps from van to window, unplug and put lead in van, lock up.
Go into the house and after I have made myself a hot chocolate I go into the computer room and if finished for the day rest the extension on a hook I have by the window and then close the window....
And Vise versa when I go outside to work on the van.
It just means that I can push my body that bit longer and do not have to worry about not being able to put things away if I have to stop.

Right were where we ? oh yes.
So I sit on my computer chair and try to unplug the short extension lead as no power there and thought I may have blown the fuse.
But it was a real struggle to get the plug to part from the socket!.
Bummer Just look at the extension block!. Now i know why the extension leads surge projectors tripped.
But the block is not warm! so is this an old burn or a new one??
Either way I replace that extension lead and throw it away.
That's better now I can carry on, with the heater on to dry out the air in here for a pencilled in job later on, if all goes to plan.

As I have the sliding door open, I move some of the 7ft 3x2 timber and put up in the roof out of my way, until there is no more room.
I have run out of short bungie straps, so the rest will have to go elsewhere till I need them.

So for now I can only pile them against the 9mm ply boards for now.
I have enough room to do what I want down this side of the van.
And that is the important part, and if all goes to plan, then I will start using them in the next day or so....

I need to sort the bathroom front battery storage area out, as this is were I plan to be working the most today.
Soon I can see the difference I have made, nearly enough space to work in comfortably.

wire wall, wire brush and Primer for some of today's work, if it all works out..
Time to make use of some of the old mats we used in here, so I can get down and work in the front battery storage area.
But before I do, I have had an accident, so as I have to go in doors to wash n change, I may as well have some lunch....

Right I am back in the transit, am now in a lethargic mood and I do not know were it came from or why??
Maybe some wire brushing will help get rid of it....

And after I had finished I got Gay Gordon out to have a real good sucking session, and I hit a problem, the short extension lead, keeps tripping itself !!
So I have to keep getting out and go to the window and reset it.
Bloody annoying, but the lead on the old extension block is to short, for the socket I am now using...
So I will have to replace it with another one, from the disco room, when we can get in there to find one.
But for now will persevere..........

Time to tape up the lower sliding door.
I am not fussed about the door rubber as it is being replaced, once the conversion is completed.
I am not gonna do the whole bulkhead today, so this high will do for now.....
Slowly and surely I get the floor covered up, so as not to get paint all over it.
To be honest as it is the battery compartment and will have fireproof covering/padding added it does not matter.
But my Grandad always said to me, "Do the best job you can, as you will know if you cut corners!"

After a rather long friendly chat on the phone, with a friend who may be able to come over and sort Vincent out for us.
Just gotta wait a few days, to see if he can sort something out.
I get back to taping free paper to the floor and bottom frame.

This bit of tape, is just there to remind me not to spray any higher!
As i would forget and just carry on, and I am not yet ready to spray the whole bulkhead.
I give the bulkhead a wipe down with one of the Tak cloth's Lynne kindly washed for me and I am sat here with 2 cans of primer shaking them to hopefully the right mix.
After all this time with rattle cans, you would have thought someone, would have come up with a handy little attachment to the cans to tell you when the mixture is ready for spraying at it's optimal state.
So far only 2 light coats of

primer, but my legs have gone, plus I need to get into the fresh air...
I think 2-3 more thin coats should be enough to leave a good foundation for the top coat.
Just had another bloody accident, so time to wash n change again and a nice hot chocolate and get back to things.
Lynne n Michael are home, so I had another hot drink :) :)

I have looked the area i have primered and it looks good enough for it's top coat.
So I decided to remove the green tape and carry on with spraying.
Lynne has already prepped this area, so no issues for the paint.
And I am soon ready for the first coat of primer, up to the next panel.
The next panel is not that wide, but it still took a full rattle can for one coat...
And before I realise what I am doing, I continued to keep on spraying the rest of the bulk head.
I thought I would carry on until the current rattle can was empty,
I do not even stop to mask up the upper area of the door, I just get me news paper and hold it in place....
And before long I have gone thru 8 rattle cans and the bulkhead is nearly primered, so I may as well finish it!
I am eyeing up the box of Primer cans, as the box is emptying bloody quickly.
I do have another 12 cans in the workshop, but I have earmarked them to spray the area that Ken had to do all the work on to get the window installed, where we wanted it.

As it is nice n warm in the transit and the air is dry, the primer is going of very quickly!.
So I soon have 4 coats done and only 1 rattle can left....
So I decide to call it for the night...
I would have loved to have left the radiator on low overnight, but even tho I have the extension lead covered across the path I do not think it wise to leave it there overnight.
I will leave the bulk head to dry over the next 2-3 days, before I add the top coat.
I am not 100% sure why I decided to spray the bulk head, except that the black was depressing and makes the back look very dark.
At this stage I have no plans to insulate & board it over, that may come at a later date, we will have to wait n see..
Depending on the state of the primer tomorrow, will decide which of the 3 jobs I have pencilled in to be done over the next 10-14 days.
1. is to dry build the rest of the frame for the front battery cage.
2. is to start to add sound proofing to sides and the roof
3. Start to insulate the passenger side side panels and make up any framework we need.
There are loads of other jobs, just begging me to get started, but either I need to finish previous work in an area (like the toilet wall & door frame)
Things are hidden from view and difficult to get to with wood propped against them (The Kitchen)
and so it keeps on going.
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