Good Morning Folks.
Today was a day for the family to be around us, and to help us get the garden ready as we can for Timothy's Day next Saturday.
Altho I am not in the best place and controlling my emotions is proving very hard, it was nice to know they were around us.
Even tho I couldn't help them, just emphasised just how far me mental an dphysical health has deteriorated these last few years.
Right lets see how the day panned out.
Michael informs me all the rubbish from here and the rest of the garden, has been put in back of the van.
He is off work on Tuesday, so we will go to the council tip, to dispose of it all..
We do need a new fence panel in here, but we have known that for ages. But there's no point until we get the historic crack in the back wall repaired.
That may be a few years down the line at the moment as we have just over 6 left on loan to get main roof paid for.
The next job will be the kitchen, bathroom & toilet walls and the roof, which I suspect will come to the similar amount as the main roof, to be sorted.
Then the crack in the picture, witch goes up to Michael's bedroom window!
So we have have busy times ahead, trying to save money, so we can make extra payments to clear of the loan earlier that expected.
All the stuff that was here, is now hidden behind the old brown shed for now.
The slabs will be used up before the weekend :) :)
New slabbed extension is laid, and our handyman has picked up another customer as Zoe & Carl were impressed with him and his work.
All we need now is some fine rain to set the concrete and then just finishing on Wednesday or Thursday.
Looks a lot better and so much tidier and as a bonus he managed to get 98% of the roots from the weed that we can't kill off..
Michael taking a well earned break..
I was chatting with Jamie (Handyman) about possibly covering the rest of the grass with slabs. A job for next year, so we can get funds ready and Jamie is pretty much booked up solid for most of this year.
The original path we plan to turn the slabs 90 degrees, level it and move slightly to the slabbed area, and slab right up to the kick boards.
I am not sure just how far we will get this week on that, as Jamie has been given a budget to work too.
It's painting time and our children like nothing more than to be given a paint brush.
The flower pots (belongs to Timothy's Corner) get there 1st coat of paint.
New barbie, I decided on a gas one for ease of use and cleaning afterwards.
Kept them quiet for ages assembling it, and they sent Michael n Carl out to buy a gas bottle. (now in house nice n safe)
We have had this bench for ages, I was gonna use it for templates to make a bigger one for Timothy's Corner, but the wood is well n truly buried in the brown shed.
Still have a small hope on doing this, maybe with Lynne using the power tools, once we have re found the timber.
We will have to wait n see, but for now it's having its 1st coat of paint.
They have all pulled together to level this area as best as they can and laid the slabs out.
With young Timmy adding small stones, slabs, bricks into any holes :) :)
This area will be slabbed properly hopefully next year, if all goes to plan.
2nd coat applied, and altho wood looks a bit rough it does not grown when I sit on it, so will be ok for Timothy's day. Will probably be in Timothy's corner as that were it belongs.
The arch and trellis I built ages ago, but never finished.
The girls are doing a fine job in a colour we know Tim loves.
We are not sure yet, about whether we can let anyone into Timothy's corner, as you can see the front slabs have moved and the temp timber I put in place has weekend over time.
Unfortunately Jamie the handyman, just cannot fit us in for a month or so, but we will have a nice wall to hold it back and some wide steps for easy access with zimmer frames n walking sticks.
Will update when we have more info.
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