25th August 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.

Good Morning Folks.

The Black Dog seem's to have run away, since my last post ! :) :)

Although we know it will not last. Still gonna make the most of the freedom & happier times :) :)

Today's Subject, is about trying to find something for you to hang onto whilst the Black Dog is doing it's worst to you.

It is probably the most important thing any sufferer can have.
As it will help you at least for a little while release some of the hold the Black Dog has on you!.

I am very lucky in this department as I have 4 things that help me when I am at rock bottom, Some take a while to act, some just a few mins before you (or those around you) can feel the benefits.

1. Is Lynne, my long suffering wife.

She knows she does not understand what I am going thru or how Depression affects me. But she is a very good listener and is often able to either get me to smile or chuckle even if only for a few seconds.

But Important to me, is that she knows me so well, that she is able to make that difference to me without realising how she's done it.

Also she is 100% supportive of me, and helps me focus on one thing at a time when its needed.

2. Vincent (Kawasaki VN15 SE) is our current stead. and within 30 seconds of Riding down the road often has me smiling and I can feel the Black Dog Releasing its Hold on me.

Again only Temporarily usually last for 2-3 days, before the Black Dog starts to try n get hold of me once more.

I wish I could ride more often, but I have to feel well enough in my mind to be able to ride safely and be alert.

Also these days the old bill have drugs tests ! so I have to cut right down on my med's to make sure I do not go over the limit.

3. Our Disco has certain;y kept me going even thru the bad times.
But with Covid I have really missed the discos and it has continually hit me really hard !

Fingers crossed, we can survive till 2020 when we have confirmed bookings (subject to any restrictions).

4. My Model Railway - ok still not got the layout sorted yet, but just buying selling (or repair n selling) has consumed my mind so much at times that the black dog has not had a chance to get a hold of me.

Now non of these are permanent fixes, but each one still has its uses and definitely makes a difference.

So If you are a fellow sufferer then hopefully the above will help you find that something that can help you get thru each day.

It's better if you can find more than 1 thing, as I have found sometimes one thing does not help enough and to be able to find something else to use is a real bonus.

Everyone has a hobby or 2 even if they have not even thought about it for a long time.

It's worth a try - Nothing Ventured nothing Gained :) :)