Hi Folks....
just me up and been up since around 3am, I could not settle down to sleep, so came downstairs.
I have been sat here busy with website things and sorting pics that were recovered from a failed hard-drive crash, and I needed to stretch a bit, next thing I know I have done some more sorting n tidying in the computer room!.
Not much, but enough to keep me busy taking pics n listing items for over an hour later on.....
Every time I wander past my old chair, I grab a few things from this tray and put them on the stool by me, and every now n ten I grab a package, open it up.
Take the pics and then list on eBay to auto start on the 31st December :) :)
And over the last few weeks, I have gradually wit-tiled the box down to these few things!.
Not all of it is for sale, but I would say around 90% is.
This pile on my stool waxes n wains, thru out the day as I sort a few more items out and get them listed...
Till finally the tray is almost empty.
I move the few items onto my stool, and the box goes on top of the Listed pile, waiting to be filled up again.
But this time with listed items and put into the tray tidily.
The stool is about full up!
I do not want it falling all over the place, so I will start listing them shortly and then they can go into the listing trays.
Buried under this lot is the last box and finally my chair !
Hopefully in a few days it will be totally cleared and then ready for me to take me old knackered circular saw to it and get it down by the fire barrel. :) :)
I cannot wait for that day, as I know it will make a huge difference in here.
And finally for the 1st time in probably 10 years or so, I can see part of the cushion!!!
I now just need to make some space, so I can sort thru what is left on the chair.
Well happy it's only 8am and some visible progress is made :) :)
Hopefully I will get more done later on.
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