25th July 2011 - Kurgan - Suzuki GS1000E - Custom

Published on 26 January 2023 at 06:21

Hi Folks...
Right am hoping for a good day today. Would be nice to get loads done for a change.

The only local bike shop didn't open till 9.30am so had to wait till he was open, and hes always chatty and wants to know how ya bikes coming along, so was gone 11am before I got out of the bike shop.

So first job today is to fill up the fork leg with the required amount of fork oil. Now on reading the manual I found that the fork oil should be 10/20 which meant the fork oil was to fine, so found some old gearbox oil and mixed it 50/50

Then its time to fit the right fork leg to the stem.

The same as above but the left leg.

and its starting to look like a bike again !

Time to do up the headlamp mounts

Refit the mudguard.

It was noticed on brake test on MOT that there is a bit o flex here, so I must look out for a fork brace

In goes the front wheel and do up the bolt.

and the pinch bolts

and re find the split pin - this ones seen better days - must pick another one when I next go down town.

The left brakes as it came apart

Nice clean & oil free discs - cheated in the end and used some carb cleaner and paper towels.

Took a while before any black oil residue was left on the paper towels

After a good clean and wipe up on goes the left caliper holder

The pads after a good soaking in carb cleaner and roughed up using edge of a grinding wheel



and on goes the left front brake.

After a good clean and wipe up on goes the right caliper holder

The right pads - right is after cleaning and roughing up




there both sorted now

and on goes the right brake caliper.

A quick test in the shed and it feels a lot better than it did before & the forks go up n down as they should !

Time to remove the right side air filters

off comes teh throttle cable

off comes teh left air filters

and off comes the carbs

Whilst the carbs are outside draining out the last of the petrol.

I decide to remove the right side panel and have a look to see if I can find out why the rear brake is only partially working.

The rod goes up n down but hits a solid wall - you can hear it, so looks as if the resorvuoir is knackered, Gonna think on best plan on this over night.

I know the gs resoviour wont fit behind teh side panel as not enough room

off come the float bowls

out come the 125 mains jets

and from here as well.

Notice teh difference between the 2 pics ?

Out come the floats & pins

Out come teh float jets and seats

In go 2 replacement spacer washers

and in goe the new 122.5 jets . If we have done our maths right this should get me closer to were teh mixture wants to be.

A new float jet seat with new rubber seal and the gauze transferred from the old seat.

and in it goes in carb NO 1

Also add the washer plate and tighten the screw.

New float jet seat.

Thats no 2 carb float installed.

I notice that the floats sit a lot lower than no 1 carb, so will measure the float height of all teh carbs before closing up.

Thats it for the day, my right knee is 3 times the size it was when I started this morning and is getting dammed uncomfortable.

I think a pretty good day , altho would have been nice to get the carbs back on the bike but 

cant have everything.

The disco is booked out over the next 3 weeks and from tomorrow have to start getting things ready for this weekends booking. So not sure when I will have time to get back down the shed

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