28th March - This Afternoon I spent down the workshop.
As I have given up on the Big Ones Crank Cases,
now was a time for a clean up :)
Before starting once again :) :) :)
Many thanks to Lynne Osborn for coming down to help me out,
it was great fun and reminded me just how much I miss us working together.
These pics have all been recovered from faulty harddrive.
The quality is not great on many of them,
But Hopefully as I sort thru I will find better quality pics, that I will replace these with....

out come the gear selectors

and this selector plate is next

its soon removed

and out comes the inner shaft

hopefully it should come free now

with some wiggling about its out

that's this part of the crank case cleared

now time

To try n get this shaft out..

needs cleaning up !

tried re fitting this adjuster and giving gentle tap, but shaft solid

seized balancer shaft - will look at later

out comes the gearbox

this oil cover needs to come away

selector arm removed

oil guide plate removed

it wont come out, till i re look at the gen manual that tells me to undo all the cover plates and gently tap the alternator forward, which reveals a 14mm bolt
Undo that and its simples

using 14mm spanner on hidden bolt at end of shaft

finally some progress

old alternator shaft - now in bin as its sightly out of true

starter clutch finally off

MMMM not sure its supposed to come apart like this

this lump came out

finally its all out in pieces

wiping up excess oil

crank on workmate with chains left in place for now

starting to look bare now

yet another chain guide

is soon removed, and looks like it will need replacing!

this cover needs to come off

off comes the locator plug

mmmmm how to get the inner shaft out ?
The Haynes manual don't say
The genuine Honda manual says use a tool with smooth edges.

I use an old drill to pull the inner shaft out

Finally, the reduction cog comes out.

shells are to be taped to the crank on there original journals

last of the shells taped to the crank

turned case on to is side and filled channel with wd40,
as this balance shaft adjuster is still seized solid
Alan Viggers - you have been busy
Stephen Osborn - Yes m8, it's been a good day, fingers crossed once the balance shaft comes free ready for washing n painting
Stephen Osborn - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm think I broke it its all in bits
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