Timothy - Scotland
CBRTIM's Swing Arm
The Bike Bench is a real mess!
I just do not know where to start !
I suppose this nice empty box, will make a great place to start.
So I get rid of the rubbish and put the green box in the centre of the bike bench..
Some off cuts waiting to be used on CBRTIM if needed.
Loose off cuts now in green box, and a huge mess is cleared up..
Bubble wrap, ready to wrap up finished CBRTIM parts
That looks loads better
I am amazed to see the bike bench coming up like new..
CBRTIMS Rear wheel starts to come out of hibernation
Bin Liner full of useful packaging/wrapping for items sold
Slowly more metal off cuts, find there way into the green box.
More metal off cuts for the green box
A little bit more of the bike table is revealed and cleaned.
Using some of the unwanted box's cardboard templates are started for the top frame shock gussets.
A good session today :) :)
CBRTIM's rear wheel, needs a good clean
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