26th November 2022 - House and Garden Update - Computer Room

Published on 27 November 2022 at 02:53

Hi Folks.

there will not be too much happening in the Computer room today, as Lynne n Mines focus today, will be on the conversion of the transit.

So any tidying up, Sorting, Testing and finally Listing will be done in the rest periods, as we let my body recover some what!

But with a close to 100 items starting today, this last weeks progress, will hopefully benefit from more Sales.

I look around me in my Computer chair and to be honest, I do not see much of a change, (or any change come to that).

But I must be getting somewhere, just by looking at the boxes & a nearly full Ottoman can testify.
Hopefully, when i get the corner finally finished, I been trying to clear out at times this week, and I label and stack the boxes up, that will finally show that I am doing something right :) :)  

This box, I pulled from a larger box, this morning and altho I have been sorting, testing and listing contents from it, It does not really look that much emptier!!

But then I look at the "Scheduled Listings section on eBay, and that says other wise !! 

I grabbed this very small box, thinking that will not take me long to sort n list!

It's full up of memory modules!!
Luckily I have a couple of older motherboards, that accept them.
I am just hoping I have the start price right, so they sell quickly. 
Most of the Computer relates items, I have listed today all start around the £1.99 - £3.99 mark.

Finally this empty box, means I have tested and listed all Memory Modules that were in there.

We I have listed all the Pairs, I have 3 odd Modules, That when I find my box of Memory module, will try n mate up matching pairs.

well 2 boxes emptied and another comes and sits on my Printer for me to sort thru :) :) 

This lot looks bigger, and the new fan that's on top I will keep as both Mine and Timothy's, as well as Lynne's, when I put it together all take these size fans :) :) 

A handy find, that will save us a bit of money when we need one :) :) 

That's 4 box's full and over flowing!

The top box is all Computer related items, I have listed yesterday & Today!

Gonna have to stop soon, and see if I can pack the Computer box, better, But I suspect I will need some more boxes. 

Something I am loath to do at the moment !


The bottom 3 boxes, are a mix of mainly Disco & Model Railway Items, that are listed...

So I may be able to compact then down into 20 Boxes, I will have a think on it later....




Another Computer box is emptied :) :) 

A lot less items to list, as they all bigger and all start today :) :) 

Only 2 items got bids on so far this weekend, I hope it picks up thru the day.

As we need to get some wood and electrical trunking, for the next stage in the conversion.

What a turn up for the books :) :) 

Loads of Items Sold today Most way above my Starting price! :) :)

( See Today's Album at "Item's SOLD To Fund - Trip To Scotland 2023." ) 

I have been struggling to try n keep up, altho I did in the end, just give up and worked at a nice comfortable pace..

The down side to having nearly 500 items, is that I have physically run out of Times, to List anymore items on Saturdays, with this week starting just after Midday and ending at 6,21pm.

So I have decided any items relisted 3 times on Saturdays and not SOLD will be relisted on Sunday's.

I will give them another few weeks and then I will move them to buy it now only price, and List them till they sell, so I do not have to keep relisting them!

I still have loads to list, and if I have more weekends like today, then getting ready for teh Scotland trip, will just be that much easier!.

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