27th September 2023 - Life n Grimes of Mr C

Published on 28 September 2023 at 02:36

Hi me - Up early once again


Once again had to force myself to get up as got Postie picking up a package I am sending to Matt for the transit.

Plus got a buyer for 6 trusses form the disco items currently listed coming about 2pm.
and need to get them out of the Disco Room and find enough bolts nuts and spacers before he arrives

Matt has called the Injectors have arrived, and with the Timing cover kit arriving tomorrow, Hopefully he will be able to get on and see if we have cured the problems.

I have cleared emails since yesterday afternoon, strangely not that many today.

The buyer from London turned up, so now we have more space in the disco room.
He brought 6 x kam trusses, leaving me with around 8 more to sell off, once I have found the nuts, bolts and spacers.

I am slowing down again leg joints all in agony and getting confused and balance is very unstable, so I crawled upstairs and went to bed.

After a few hours rest and only feeling slightly better, I got up and found last years MOT  details and proceeded to go thru the advisories, so once we have our transit back, we can start finding the parts needed to hopefully get the advisories done ready for MOT in December.

Have deleted over a 1000 corrupt files/folders from previous hard drives attempts to recover stuff from old hard drives. 

We are starting to get some serious space on my SSD drives in my computer and if all goes well hopefully soon will have enough space to restart trying to recover stuff form corrupt hard drives

Whilst checking the recovered files/folders, I have spent most of the afternoon with Paypal to try and resolve and issue from someone who I brought items from a few weeks ago, for some unknown reason they have taken the money from that transaction from him and put it on hold!.

Co-ordiation and memory are going again, so it is time to head back to bed for a while and sleep.

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