Right its bloody cold n damp today - not sure how long me chest will let me work today, when I finally have some spare funds think i may have to buy a heater .
It took about 20 mins for me to look around Kurgan and remember were I had got to - these pics and mini captions help tho
so first job today is the rear brake light.
so I found the pink wire that comes from the rear light, and fed it around the battery area and cut it to length.
and connected using one of those natty blocks provided by "Doug's Cycles" ( i really like these :: ).
Then cut the Suzuki block from the brake light switch and use the opposite block and connect them together.
Next is the live feed.
I had run out of spare live feed wires,
so I decided to dedicate the other 2 pins in these blocks as live feeds from the Ignition Switch.
A small wire to join pins 2 & 3 and also cut the mains wire from the Kliktronic and fit.
The live wire from the rear brake switch is fitted - leaving me with one spare live output.
and it all joins together nicely
and the brake light works as well - altho there is to much movement on the brake pedal for me to be able to operate so will have to adjust & bleed the rear brakes soon.
Next job is to remove the carbs,
ready to be stripped down and cleaned again !!
I will get some white vinegar tomorrow and hope it does the job.
getting back into it again now and decide to finally tidy up the wires along the top tube.
I think it looks a lot better now, All cable Tied up.
Have also done the same to the right side of the battery area,
altho it don't yet look as tidy as the top tube.
But then again there is a lot of wires under here and sure it will look better once i do the other side.
and on goes the right side panel
its starting to look like a Kurgan again.
mmmmm whilst tidying the wires on the left side of the battery area.
I found this green wire from the rec/reg unit - it must have been connected to something before as any wires not attached i always put tape over.
the 3 yellows, red, & black are all attached - so gonna have to look into this...
It appears i have some of the wires wrong ! - the black should go to switched live and the green to earth !
Robert H E Harris - interesting juxtaposition there, much smoke?
Stephen Osborn - hahahaha - at least i found out now and not when it went bang or overheated
the rubber car exhaust strap is strapped into place ready for the petrol tank.
That is it for today.
I am afraid to let the cold n damp on my chest.
I will try n get down there again tomorrow morning but Tuesday is a really busy day for me so it may be Wednesday.
Jobs for next time.
Bleed rear brake.
finish gear indicator wiring
strip n clean carbs
bleed front brakes
pump up tyres
finish tidying wiring
put on left side panel
bolt on tank
bolt on seat
setup kliktronic
hopefully fire him up and he will be on all 4 cylinders
take for test spin
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