30th September 2022 - House and Garden Update

Published on 1 October 2022 at 06:47

Good morning folks.

Today I was supposed to be resting, but was restless instead, so I thought I would potter around the computer & Living rooms, today to see if I could make a difference.

It was very slow going as legs kept giving way on me, but I soon found the pain level just before they give way, so managed to sit down n rest in time to stop me falling down.  

Right lets see if I made a difference.....

My starting point today in the computer room and just behind my computer chair.

Looking better, I want to get to these dining room chairs, and move them out into the living room for now.

Some 40 mins later and a nice sized space has opened up :) :) 

my next job is to remove the printer and bits on top of it.

I need to use the printer on Sunday to print postage for items sold on ebay, and it will also make for a wider space cleared. 

Next job, is to clear my computer desk, which isn't too bad as most of it is parts waiting to be re fitted to my computer.

That's looking better

Printer now in its new temp home, I plugged it in not long after this pic...

Again more of my Computer items, waiting to be installed on my computer, 

But If I can find a new home for this lot,

it will free up more floor space 

That's about the best I can do for now......
If I have time I will get the hoover out later on.

Whilst resting in my chair, some ideas come to me......

and for this area, which again is mostly parts for my computer!

So I move the boxes back into the living room (sorted model railway)
and move 2 of the dining room chairs, to allow easier access to computer room

The big box, that was here is now in the computer room,

till Zoe is ready to take it back home.

and around a hour later, this side unit is looking much better.
If I get time, will give it a wash n polish.

Busy pic this one...
1. put the dining room chairs back along the wall for now.

2. moved the table that houses Timothy's Computer and screen backwards.
Which has made loads more free floor space.
Just needs a hoover up now.

Pic does not do the quality of the screens picture.

Whilst I have been pottering today have been watching Bill n Ted's Face the music film...

Before n after pics of the table beside my chair as I was resting :) :) 

After Saturday, we will continue to clear this space as we are having a bit of a move around in the living room..

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