Nice wake up call this morning the fence contractors have turned up to finish the fence (well almost)
but it is the last bit we wanted done this year,
as it gives us so much more privacy from the neighbours.
Suzie Q Suzie Q - We have had our done and your looks about the same hight as our so why are they complaining about it?
Stephen Osborn - Probably right Susan

And guess what !
They complained when Adi walked down their driveway !!
PLONKERS they obviously don't read letters sent to them!
(as they requested !!)
That's the last bit that angles out into there driveway done and it looks so much better
(will look even better when we get it painted,)
but we have run outa fence paint at the moment and no money for at least 2 months,
so gonna have to hope the weather holds).

From their side of the fence, (Not that we care, But this is the side that gets the battering from the wind n rain!),
It will look loads better when painted the same colour !

and from the roadway - you can no longer see into our garden :)
That is a real bonus, well it will be when I build a solid gate :) :)
From our passageway - looks loads better and really makes that bend tight.
It's gonna be fun watching them get long based transits and the Luton lorry down there, without do any damage!!

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